Social Media and Happiness

We live in a world of social media. In a world where we would rather shoot a text out, than call, even sitting outside to say 'here'. In a world where our President tweets. I don't know if I would call it a 'simpler' time when home phones still had a cord, and children knew to be in, when the street lights came on. Or, nowadays, where you can text to say 'come home' and our phones go mobile with us. So excuse me while I rattle off my thoughts to you & post to my social media... about social media. {Ironic} We live in a time where you can 'unfollow' yet still keep someone as a 'friend'. So you don't hurt anyone's feelings. Where, when someone likes a post on your social media platform it gives you a dose of dopamine. What? True. Yes. You smile, and then you check back often to see if others have liked your post. This can get dangerous. Because the likes on social media and happiness have nothing to do with one another. ...