
You are just another statistic now. That's what she told me when I told her from the payphone at the gas station, on the corner of hwy 9 and hwy 102. I was 16 and pregnant. I still feel it burn in my ear drum from my end of the cord. 'you are just another statistic now.' At that time I wasn't really sure what that meant. But I knew it wasn't kind. Even if it was true. Here we are, 17 years later. I write about my son a lot. Not to leave my other sons out, because I'm just as proud. Just when I think I couldn't be prouder of my boys, they prove me wrong. There's just something special about being a young mom, and proving others wrong, I guess. The nay sayers- you'll never make it. You won't finish high school. You won't amount to anything. He'll end up in the hood. My 'hood' boy was just awarded the iron man during his football senior year banquet. We weren't broadcasted on live television for reality TV but we ma...