"Patience, persistence & perspiration make an UNBEATABLE combination for success" -Napoleon Hill

Aspire to inspire. I knew this was my title from the minute I saw the cursor on my screen. However, I had something else completely different typed until last night’s conversation with my husband Daniel. Daniel is an amazing man, a God fearing man, true to his word, he’s 100% faithful to his children, his friends and his wife. This was the February before we found AdvoCare. Our 2 year wedding anniversary. With that being said, let me explain why my Inspire blog post has changed from only 3 men who’ve ever inspired me, to only writing about one. When we began AdvoCare, it was because the products saved my life. That’s a big deal. Like, a really big deal! For one I was on products a good 4 months before ever becoming a distributor let alone becoming active in building a business. The above statement is real, and it’s real because I remember my husband shaking his head thinking I was ‘trying some new fruit of the forest’ product. However, he was grateful it wasn’...