"Patience, persistence & perspiration make an UNBEATABLE combination for success" -Napoleon Hill

Aspire to inspire.

I knew this was my title from the minute I saw the cursor on my screen. However, I had something else completely different typed until last night’s conversation with my husband Daniel.

Daniel is an amazing man, a God fearing man, true to his word, he’s 100% faithful to his children, his friends and his wife.
This was the February before we found AdvoCare. Our 2 year wedding anniversary.

With that being said, let me explain why my Inspire blog post has changed from only 3 men who’ve ever inspired me, to only writing about one.
When we began AdvoCare, it was because the products saved my life. That’s a big deal. Like, a really big deal!
For one I was on products a good 4 months before ever becoming a distributor let alone becoming active in building a business.
The above statement is real, and it’s real because I remember my husband shaking his head thinking I was ‘trying some new fruit of the forest’ product. However, he was grateful it wasn’t a pharmaceutical product.

It was the mixer where there were 4 of us. Daniel, me, and two other ladies. We met Will and Brandy Rupert. It was August 14th of 2012. Will & Brandy had seen my photo, they had heard a piece of my story, and we were friends for life. 

They locked arms with us, and to this day we can pick up the phone and call them for prayer, or for a 3 way call. (yes, folks, that is called friendship).

Daniel began products when we went head first into starting us a business. Let me also put this in your mind that Daniel weighed the most he’d ever weighed in his life! Near 300lbs. Now… if you KNOW my husband, he’s a big guy. He’ll always be a big guy. He was BUILT for football, and he played, he’s athletic, energetic and full of life-always.

So when my husband had gotten his weight up that high, we didn’t even really realize it until he lost about 10lbs, with his first week on products. Yea, TEN pounds. If you’ve been to our mixer, that is TWO of those giant gummy bears.

Going through the year of 2013 we had a LOT of life happen to us. And its way personal, and I will not blog about it just yet. But the right time for it is coming, because I know God put us through those trails to help others who will or are going through them as well.
However, within the first 4 months on products still with the stress of life hitting us, he was able to drop his Cholesterol including the medicine he was on for it, he was able to stop taking a water pill, and they dropped his blood pressure medication down.

Now let me back up a bit. PRE-Advocare;  At almost 300lbs he wasn’t a picture of health. We didn’t know just how much until he had dropped just a little weight though. We had been to the doctor where I learned just how serious his blood pressure or blood pressure in general is! The nurse had him lie down on the table and raise his hands up over his head (blood flow, I was just learning) the only way I ever knew Daniel’s blood pressure was up was because he has a vein on the side of his bald head that appears- and that’s when I’d know he wasn’t taking his medicine, or before he was even on it! So, needless to say this day, he was beat red and that vein was oh so ever apparent.

Moving on…
I decided to read some literature on this- he wasn’t happy about this, because NOW I was going to know.
Doctor comes in after what seemed like forever … when I learned what they were doing. You see they had taken his blood pressure and decided NOT to tell me what it was, not that I would have known what it meant at that time, but let’s just say it was THAT high, they weren’t repeating it.
So as he lays there with hands over his head, doctor comes in. I absolutely kid you not verbatim ‘Well… Daniel, are you trying to stroke out on me?’… My eyes… dart to Daniel, back to the doctor. Daniel looks at me… at this moment I’m feeling VERY aware of my naivety in not knowing just how serious this is.

His blood pressure was 190/140. They had him lie down and put his hands up over his head to put blood flow BACK in its proper channels!!  You want to talk about things getting real, real fast for someone who knew nothing about this.
Back to the doctor, I asked ‘Why?’ Well, as Daniel snickers (because he knows he has high blood pressure, also knows he should be on medication and isn’t!) The doctor says, there isn’t an option, you have to be on medicine and we have to get this under control.
We leave with the highest does for high blood pressure they make.
And I leave with literature to learn more.

It’s hereditary for his family. And while I understand that, it’s very real, and this is why we still need our doctors! However, you can get it under control.
And that’s just what he did.

Back to more present day; It was the most exciting day for me being his wife, to hear the doctor say he no longer had to be on Cholesterol medication, he dropped the water pill, and they bumped his blood pressure to lower than the highest out there.
Through the course of our highest stressful year, he was able to maintain eating better, and keeping off those medications. He dropped 62 pounds and put on lean muscle mass. He’s not focused on a number on the scale. He’s focused because he can’t put anymore holes in his belts. He’s wearing the same size jeans he wore in high school!!

September of 2013 a little more than a year for Daniel on AdvoCare products

News just got even better, as you tell your story, and hope you reach others, your story is constantly developing. His is doing just that. He has constant products in his daily routine, and the only thing that is the same as mine, is our MNS and Catalyst. (As well as some performance elite products) But what’s right for me, isn’t necessarily what benefits him the most. He’s also consistent on his healthy eating, not saying we don’t have a ‘cheat meal’ if you think you can’t, you are completely fooling yourself and just setting yourself up for failure.

He had his check up to re-evaluate his blood pressure medicine. He’s on the LOWEST form out there. When the nurse took his blood, and he was telling her his diet and exercise, she was shocked and said to him ‘wow, there is absolutely nothing else I can tell you to do differently that you aren’t already doing!’
I wish Daniel had really know what AdvoCare was going to do for him, for us to know he'd lose a total of 70lbs, putting on 23lbs of lean muscle mass and getting into a size of denim he wore in HIGH SCHOOL.

His blood work came back, and the nurses words for his cholesterol? ‘FANTASTIC’.  His Testosterone ‘FANTASTIC
Blood pressure 130/75’. LDL’s- GREAT LEVELS!  Thyroid-‘GREAT!’

Now PLEASE know I am not making medical claims. I will repeat, we need our doctors. Daniel might always be on blood pressure medicine- it is hereditary in his family.

 Isn’t it awesome that he can regain his health and drop unnecessary medications? Isn’t it awesome that he can be on a much less expensive and lowest dose of Blood pressure medication? Isn’t it even MORE awesome to hear the nurse say ‘wow, I can’t possibly tell you to do anything that you aren’t already doing’ and then to hear those results of blood tests? #movemore #eatless #propernutrition 
We are now a HEALTHY family 

This my friends is MY version of Daniel’s story. You see we tell our PERSONAL story. But you don’t realize that your story affects others. Friends, family, pets, your church etc… It wasn’t until AFTER I told my story that I knew what it did to my husband.
My husband is a good man, noble, loyal, he’s my rock. And if anything were to happen to him, I’d be lost. I tell his story from my point of view, because as his wife, he inspires me. He inspires me to be more. To follow my calling to help others. To be a better person, to be a better Christian.

So aspire to Inspire. Be the variable. Be GREATER

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