Emotional Status

I cannot tell you how many times I've written, and saved the draft. I just can't seem to get with it, sitting down and typing. I've written, several pages in my notebook, but to transfer here, is another story. What can I say, I'm old school. I love to write. I love the look of a hand written page. What's been a recent blog I started called, "Emotional scarring". It's a real thing . Very real in my life. I'm really good today. At a near tender age of almost, barely gonna be 33 (...early thirties y'all) I do really well with everything I've been through in my life. Am I the only one with a messed up childhood? No. Absolutely not. Matter fact, we should form a club, right now! Messed up childhood? Meet here . And we won't stop there. What about the teenage years? The early 20's? Good? Solid? No worries young ones... hashtag this #Goals. Kidding of course. My point is I'm not alone and I'm very aware of this f...