Emotional Status

I cannot tell you how many times I've written, and saved the draft.

I just can't seem to get with it, sitting down and typing. I've written, several pages in my notebook, but to transfer here, is another story.

What can I say, I'm old school. I love to write. I love the look of a hand written page.

What's been a recent blog I started called, "Emotional scarring".

It's a real thing.

Very real in my life.
I'm really good today. At a near tender age of almost, barely gonna be 33 (...early thirties y'all) I do really well with everything I've been through in my life.

Am I the only one with a messed up childhood? No. Absolutely not. Matter fact, we should form a club, right now! Messed up childhood? Meet here.
And we won't stop there. What about the teenage years? The early 20's? Good? Solid? No worries young ones... hashtag this #Goals.
Kidding of course.

My point is I'm not alone and I'm very aware of this fact.
Right now, I feel alone though. With not many to discuss this with, and not because they can't know, but because I really just don't want to.... I'm just circling right now in this emotional state.
An emotional state I haven't been in for a really long while.

Amazing how a missed call and text message from someone can try to set you back 30 years huh?
But I refuse to let it. Because if I let that steer me, it's like saying my God isn't big enough to defend me.

Satan is working through this person, and that's a constant reminder I have told myself, It's not the person. It's Satan. Period.

So what do I do now? Dive into the word more, listen to my sermons regularly like I was doing daily for so long.

What I do now, is take a long look in the mirror.
I'm not who I once was. I'm a sinner saved by grace. Grace I don't even deserve.
I fought so hard to be the woman I've become today, and continue to become. I love me, yea... that might read just as funny as it sounds to say out loud, but I do.
It's awesome to like yourself. Do you like yourself?

It's just really that simple.



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