Sorry I'm late.

Sorry I'm late. Optimistic people all have one thing in common. They're always late. The further I got into this article, (not written by me...) the more interested I got. Because you see, I'm ALWAYS late. For real. If I'm on time, you can bet that it's because my husband drove. It turns out though, late people are actually the best people ever. They're optimistic and hopeful. I'm not just saying this because I'm always late either... well, okay maybe that's partly why. Anyway.... "They believe they can fit more tasks into a limited amount of time than other people and thrive when they're multitasking. Simply put, they're fundamentally hopeful." They think Big. "People who are habitually late don't sweat the small stuff; they concentrate on the big picture and see the future as full of infinite possibilities." Late people just get it. "People with a tendency for tardiness l...