Like a fine wine, we're just better with age. Hmm. What?

With age comes wisdom. With age comes contentment. With age comes the 'it is what it is' attitude. With age comes facial hair. What? Yes. Also, grey hairs. Yes. Also, hormone changes. Yes. Also, sun spots. Two words- Weight Mangagment. Let's back up to facial hair. I mean, what. is. that!? And why, is it black? I mean, can we say, whhhhyyyy tho!?! I am grateful that I'm coming into the stage of 'contentment' but, the struggle is real y'all. Grey hair... I have a name for every single one of you gems... Thank God for hairdressers, and they thank God for you! Let's move along to the hormones. And don't tell me I don't know... because I do. For 10 years I do. But no one said it would last 10 years. So, not only did I get to start the 'change of life' at 24, but I also, get to experience it for 20 years longer than most my age. Well, that's super fun. Sun spots. And please don't use t...