Listen, in 34.

Wrapping up to another year-older. I don't necessarily struggle with my age. As matter of fact, the older I'm getting the more I cherish the moments during each year. It's so fun to go back through photos and see what is close to my heart. Those are the moments we capture. Maybe we post them.. maybe they are only for us. You've seen some of these photos, and that's okay. These were all taken during the year of '33'. Photos you might not see, is pain. Someone missing from a photo, the sleepless nights from chronic back pain. Tears from strained relationships that we know only God can repair. Milestones. Two people very dear to our hearts left us for Heaven. I finally passed the insurance exam and became licensed. I started training for a marathon and on my first 5K, I injured my back terribly and have been out of the 'game' since. A couple rounds of injections, & my followup appointment will kick off my next year. Daniel...