Listen, in 34.

Wrapping up to another year-older.

I don't necessarily struggle with my age. As matter of fact, the older I'm getting the more I cherish the moments during each year. It's so fun to go back through photos and see what is close to my heart. Those are the moments we capture. Maybe we post them.. maybe they are only for us.
You've seen some of these photos, and that's okay. These were all taken during the year of '33'.
Photos you might not see, is pain. Someone missing from a photo, the sleepless nights from chronic back pain. Tears from strained relationships that we know only God can repair.
Two people very dear to our hearts left us for Heaven.
I finally passed the insurance exam and became licensed.
I started training for a marathon and on my first 5K, I injured my back terribly and have been out of the 'game' since. A couple rounds of injections, & my followup appointment will kick off my next year.

Daniel and I have a “5 year plan” that we're not really sharing many details of, yet.

As I embark on my next year of life, I know God will still be good, my husband and my children will still love me, and I have people who truly care for me.
Few things are constant, but the ultimate remains- God has blessed me with another birthday.

Our dry season is over, the clouds have come. We receive His rain. And it is well, with my soul.

       What an amazing road trip. It was long, emotional but necessary. 
I carry your heart in my heart grandma D. 

 These girls. I'd travel to the end and back, if it meant one more day with you. See in you Vegas!

My first love. Thank you for making me the football mom I was born to be. <3

 I post this because it reminds me where I was when I injured myself that put me out... This was one of the funnest times with both my oldest boys. Ian is in the photo too. :)

 Our last Mummy and son dance. My baby boy. 

 My dear mother in law in missing for your eyes to see, but really she's right there next to her son and her husband of 50+ years. <3 Love her & miss her so very much.

Our family of 6 was together for the first time in 3 1/2 years, and we met our grandson for the first (and only) time. 

 Fall started serving in youth. We didn't start with this many, but a good portion of this group was still together at the end of the school year. I started serving in switch in hopes of changing these girls lives. But in the end, they changed mine.

 Polar Express Hot Chocolate. Worth every calorie. Moments with these boys. 

 First and only snow we had.

 Pretty proud of this wall. So clean. 

 So amazingly blessed to have baptized these young ladies from our youth group. A moment God gave me, I'll never let go of.

 This photo is amazing. But it was an amazing time too. Took two dear friends out and went through a few rounds. 

My best friend having her first baby!!

 Sometimes when someone leaves your life it is even more meaningful if God brings them back. To everything there is a season. I'm grateful He meant you to be here, with me. 

 Moments. are these friends. Prayer with young souls who are just trying to fit in... when they were created to stand out. 

 The Escape was finally gonna give out. What an emotional time it was to say goodbye.. all the road trips, all the laughs and memories. But we said hello to 'Andy' and we love her too.

 H.I.A. What a wonderful partnership of Life.Church. This is Kaden at a booth showing people to make slime. So cool for him.

 My son going to his first prom.

 Baby Finley Lee arrived. She's more precious than rubies. <3 (Best friends baby)

 What a worship experience. With dear friends.

 The things I could say about these friendships, holds true in photos. I smile because they are truly a blessing to my life and I needed it captured as a reminder of people who truly care of me and I, for them.

 Mother's day 2017. A photo that wasn't going to have all 5 of us, and yet, this moment, happened.

 We've come so far for this photo to happen. 1st cousins- Fleming family.

         Kaden's promotion from elementary!
 Our last photo of the school year, missing a couple regulars, these girls and a 'newer' co-leader closed the year out strong. I can't wait to continue to watch them grow!

 Celebration of birthday's. 18, 34, and 17. Here we go.

To the rock that makes my life better. I don't know, and I never want to know how to live life without you.

As I reflected from the time June began and as Daniel and I have discussed future plans, of going back to school and the boys coming in to the last school year for them.. God only spoke one word. 
So, here I am Lord. Send me. I'm ready. I'll be listening. <3

As always,


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