Funerals are mandatory

Holy wow batman. No, seriously. I know, everyone has problems... I get that. Everyone is going through junk. Not to downgrade that, whatsoever. Here's my year, thus far. The year didn't start off terrible. We were putting money back, knowing our Vegas trip was just around the corner. (the 31st of Jan. we were leaving) One of my childhood best friends was getting married. I was so excited to get away, and be a part of her special day. If found my dress. Got it altered, and taken in 2 sizes -thank you! Everything was moving right along. So I thought. My sister in law had gotten really sick. She went into the hospital, had a procedure. Went home. All of a sudden it went south, fast. *Side note, why do we say that? "It went south..." I like the living in the south. I mean, I'm just saying.* She ended up in a coma, and it was not looking good, like at all. Next thing we know, from Monday to Friday, she's being taken off life support, only to be go...