Funerals are mandatory

Holy wow batman.

No, seriously.

I know, everyone has problems... I get that. Everyone is going through junk. Not to downgrade that, whatsoever.

Here's my year, thus far.

The year didn't start off terrible. We were putting money back, knowing our Vegas trip was just around the corner. (the 31st of Jan. we were leaving) One of my childhood best friends was getting married. I was so excited to get away, and be a part of her special day.
If found my dress. Got it altered, and taken in 2 sizes -thank you! Everything was moving right along.

So I thought.

My sister in law had gotten really sick. She went into the hospital, had a procedure. Went home.
All of a sudden it went south, fast.
*Side note, why do we say that? "It went south..." I like the living in the south. I mean, I'm just saying.* 
She ended up in a coma, and it was not looking good, like at all. Next thing we know, from Monday to Friday, she's being taken off life support, only to be gone within 10 minutes. It was so heartbreaking from my brother in-law. At the young age of 38, Amy was gone.
Finding this out took a hit to us, not only because of her passing. But because we didn't know if Vegas would still happen. Daniel and I agreed long ago,

-Funerals are mandatory-. 

However, we didn't know when her funeral would be. So, the stress set in. Not because we wanted Vegas over family... oh who am I kidding, of course I wanted Vegas over a funeral. But, family... that always comes first.
The next day (Saturday) was a semi normal day... until my ex husband called me.
My boys papa, whom I had known since I was 15 years old. Whom was a father figure to me at a young age. Whom had helped finish raising me through my senior year of high school with our son... had passed away. Dave had been fighting ALS for the last 3 years. And his battle was finally over.

Well... crap.

This was it. We just weren't meant to go to Vegas.
That might sound selfish, coming back to the trip every time. But listen. We'd known and planned this trip for the last year and a half. It was a big deal. The bridesmaid dress (and the debacle that came with it) was bought, the alterations were done. The room was booked. It was a go.

Only, it wasn't.

-Funerals are mandatory-.

We now had two. Two family members left this earth, in two days. Blow. To. The. Gut.

My boys were in pure devastation which in turn left me so heartbroken. My husband, the trooper he is, getting ready to be around and meet ex family members. Not to mention... I am pretty sure I ate everything that came into my site.. -can we say stress eater? I mean, one morning, I started the day with pouring m&m's into my mouth... yeah, I'm that girl.

We laid my father in law to rest on Feb. 3rd 2018. The very day I was to stand next to my friend of 24 years and watch her marry her best friend.
I regret nothing. I am, heartbroken. For everything. All of it.

Turn around in life, is fair play... I don't even know what that means, but it sounds right.
Sunday I slept. I finally slept, even through football. Which, if you know me at all, is a miracle.
I love football. And it was the super bowl..
Monday came. Things were going back to normal.

Until they weren't.

The high school calls me. Something has happened. It's my oldest son.
I've never driven down 19th so fast. And I drive fast. (I totally just admitted that, out loud.)
I pulled up to turn into the high school, to see an ambulance, and a firetruck. Only for my gut to sink in and wonder what the heck has happened to my son!? Dear God, I can't handle this... as I tell this to myself.
I'm done. Not more than You can handle.. but You can handle much more than me!

I pull up behind the ambulance that I wasn't sure was for my son... as I see the stretcher come out with a young girl on it. Whew... wow, I've NEVER been so relieved.
But then.. I see her.
I know her.
Crap. This is not good. She appears to be on something... and things are not normal.
I run inside to find a friend, who points me to where my son is.
I hug him. I hug him so tight. I tell him this isn't on him. This is not his fault. Don't you dare take this on yourself!! Of course, he is... He's upset, very upset. Maybe he needs a bag to blow in...
I mean, are you freaking kidding me right now!? I can't even...
Now I'm angry, sad, and heartbroken all in the same breathe. What in the world!?

The girl is fine. As a matter of fact, she's fine... as in, going to the gym, fine.
I'm angry, again. But I'm better.

My sister in law's services are next. February  we celebrated her life. My sweet brother in law. Gosh, My heart breaks for him.

So, the meaning of my title, you might wonder... as I said above, Daniel and I agreed long ago, funerals are mandatory, weddings are optional. That is what we believe. And it may not have anything to do with a wedding. (This time, it did) but just as I've attended a funeral for a life group member, or for a friend I work with... we believe it's about respect. And you are there for family, or a friend, to show respect.
Life is about relationships. And funerals are normally a horrible time and pitval moments in someones life. You need to be there, supportive, because in relationships, that is what is more important than anything else.
 Mourning and celebrating the life of my boys papa and my former father in-law, Dave Fleming. RIP Dave. We will forever hold you in our hearts. You live on through these children, and so many others!

Celebrating the life of Amy Scott. You are gone too young. Thank you for your faithfulness to your husband, your family and your country. You will so greatly be missed, sister.

I'd say it's fine.. but fine is the 4 letter lie. Because, right now I'm fine. But we are going to be okay.
This will not shape our year. It's a crappy start to my year, but I refuse to sink.
Yes, I cried. I screamed. I cried some more. But I have so many positive things in my life, that this can't sink me. Because just as my tattoo on my wrist reads...

"Still, I Rise."

 Dave before ALS was diagnosed.
This was Easter Weekend at our church- Life Church. Dave lost his battle with ALS at 56 years old.

Amy and David Scott. Amy was 38 years old. 


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