The double D's...

Daily Duties. What did you think I meant by double D's? It's where our minds goes, instantly. Just like 'dieting'. I hate that word... 'DIETING'. It's used so lightly anymore. It isn't fair, because whether you are on a McDonald's diet, or a clean eating diet, we are always on a 'diet'. Makes me think of this picture.... Necessary to say it like this? maybe not... does it get your attention? Absolutely ! So lets go back shall we? Double D's... Daily Duties. Your first Daily duty should be time with Jesus. My time with Jesus, is quiet and in the early morning where no one is around yelling 'mom' or 'hey, it's time to go'. It's just us. And I start my day this way, every day . I mean, doesn't He deserve 15-20 minutes if not more of your time? Other than the quick 'prayer' of 'Jesus!' as you yell at the driver in front of you on the way to work, that may be all the time in your ...