The double D's...

Daily Duties. 

What did you think I meant by double D's? It's where our minds goes, instantly.

Just like 'dieting'. I hate that word... 'DIETING'. It's used so lightly anymore. It isn't fair, because whether you are on a McDonald's diet, or a clean eating diet, we are always on a 'diet'. Makes me think of this picture....
Necessary to say it like this? maybe not... does it get your attention? Absolutely!

So lets go back shall we? Double D's... Daily Duties. Your first Daily duty should be time with Jesus.

My time with Jesus, is quiet and in the early morning where no one is around yelling 'mom' or 'hey, it's time to go'. It's just us. And I start my day this way, every day. I mean, doesn't He deserve 15-20 minutes if not more of your time? Other than the quick 'prayer' of 'Jesus!' as you yell at the driver in front of you on the way to work, that may be all the time in your daily activities you have to give. And I just like anyone else, understand that.
So my time is precious, and it is just that, very precious with Him. I highly recommend

'Jesus Calling'. 
It's a book (so to speak) and in it there are daily paragraphs that are easy reads, with scripture at the bottom. It gives you exactly what you need. And because it's broken up by the date, you can't even get lost. It's exactly what God wants to talk to you about, on that day. So do it.

Most days we're at the gym by 5:30am. Was this always us? Ha-ha-ha, no! I love sleep. Sleep is good! In fact, it's a very HUGE important part of weight loss as well. Are you getting 7-8 hours of sleep? Myself, I used to believe I couldn't operate without 9 hours. Until I lost weight. Apparently, the less fat you have, the less amount of sleep you need. Orrrrr... I was just lazy because I was unhealthy, you pick.
My husband has NO idea I took his photo. :)
So we make sure we're in bed when our kids go to bed.. that's right, kids. We have 4. However, only 3 are at home with us, one has flown the nest already. And those 3, are boys. Two teenagers, and one who thinks he should be. (Yes, I accept lots of prayer).
They are beautiful aren't they?

So while they sleep, we're in the gym. It's about the only time we'll get if we don't. As our evenings are very busy after our 9-5's. And at 5pm begins the daily duty we enjoy more than anything else, time with each other. 
But let's pause right there. Because I want to make something very clear. We weren't always this way... we slept, got up, skipped breakfast, and ran out the door. Came home watched TV, kids did homework, we ate dinner and watched more TV, (together). That was time together right?

So let's go back to now. I'm much more interested in now than before. Because the past is gone, right? Yes, however, to help you get through, know we weren't always like we are now. 
It takes WANTING to change your life, to change your life. And we did just that.
We don't have much time for TV anymore. And if we do, it's because it's recorded and we're watching it as we fall asleep.
Now that we found AdvoCare, we've discovered a vehicle to get us more REAL time freedom.

Because even when we're presenting AdvoCare, and showing others a vehicle to help them, we’re doing it together and for the same goal.
He's not just my 'business partner' He's my spouse.

Before I get too off track let’s go back to the double D’s.

What’s your daily duty? Is it getting up, getting the kids ready, no breakfast, going to work, being frustrated with traffic.. working for someone else, clocking in & clocking out, going home fixing dinner screaming at kids to get homework done after they’ve already been home for 3 ½ hours before you were off work. Shower, and bed time?
Sounds all too familiar.—So I know I ‘nailed it’.

We’ve been there. As a matter a fact, we still work full time jobs. ‘Clocking in & clocking out’ working for someone else. But it looks a little different than just that.

Time with Jesus in the morning makes everything so much more comforting. It takes discipline too. Get up earlier, and make time for Him. Do it.
Next, because you are already up, fix breakfast. Eat. Wake up your children. Get them off to school. Have conversation with the little ones (because the teenagers don’t want to talk in the morning-we forgive them)
Do your job while you are there, and be nice to everyone you meet, because just as you post on Facebook/twitter/instagram whatever social media network you choose, ‘for everyone is fighting some sort of battle’ So be nice. If you have Jesus in your heart and smile on your face, you bet people notice.
Have dinner at the kitchen table together (yes, the thing you stack your bills, boxes and paperwork on) talk about your day. No arguments.
Showers, and relax with your kids. They need your time too.

Does my day always go like the above? Absolutely not! But I’m gonna guarantee you that 90% of the time, it does. And soon, it’ll be 95%. Because I want my kids to see this, and I want them to do the same when they are parents/spouses. It’s important.

Adjust your daily duties. And laugh because you speak about your ‘Double D’s’.

And remember, to have Jesus in your heart and Smile on your face. 

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