Thank God, & AdvoCare

On April 6th 2012

I went home from work a little early because I wasn’t feeling well. As a matter of fact, I was REALLY sick. I was very weak, I hadn’t been sleeping well, and I was very nauseous. It was awful.
I didn’t feel like I had a cold, or the flu, or a stomach virus. I just didn’t feel well. I went home to get some rest… or try to.

My husband came home later that evening. I was throwing up violently, and I had been for several hours. I don’t have a clear memory of what happened between going home from work and getting to the hospital but finally after pumping lots of fluids into my body because they couldn’t find a thing wrong except that I was running a pretty high fever, I started coming around. After two bags of IV fluids, the doctor came in and asked me to give a urine sample. The problem was though that I still wasn’t able to. Finally, after the 3rd and ½  bag of IV fluids, I was able to produce enough to give a sample. Being kept overnight, I had a SEVERE kidney infection, I was going into renal failure, the doctors said my husband saved my life had he not been taken me to the hospital. I had no idea it had gotten so bad.
This occurred Easter weekend. I remember that well, because I missed out on everything with my kids that weekend, I missed my step daughters cheer tryouts for her senior year.
 There really are no words for this picture watching my kids hunt Easter eggs.

 My recovery was really awful. I was weak and so tired all weekend long. On an antibiotic now, and pushing fluids all weekend, I returned to work that Monday. Still on the mend, I remember finally feeling more like myself the Tuesday afterwards.
I realized, it was time for a life change. Something drastic needed to happen. I weighed 226 lbs, and I am only  5’ 1” tall. No one had guessed that’s how much I weighed, but sadly, as much as we want it to, the scale doesn’t lie.
 That was when I discovered next to my spark canister, a box of vitamins I hadn't even known I had.
After only 1 1/2 weeks of faithful AdvoCare vitamins, I was feeling SO much more like a human being should, with energy! I felt so amazing. No horrible chemicals in my body and I also had weaned of caffeine since I hadn’t had any while I was sick, it was the perfect time.

I was also sleeping, and waking up without feeling so groggy and tired. I FELT like playing ball with my kids when I got home from work. My energy level only increased when I would have a spark drink during the day too. It was fantastic. I had never felt so fabulous in my life.

Unfortunately I never took a 'true' before picture... (pre AdvoCare) So this is what you have...
I know what you're thinking.... ohhh that's not really you (if you don't know me that may be what you are thinking anyway... so here you go, unedited-
I know, the picture is funny. My step daughter at her cheer banquet the week before I went into the hospital.

I went for a check up 4 weeks after my severe wake-up call (as I like to now call this severe kidney infection hospital stay) and I had dropped 11lbs. I was SO surprised just by taking AdvoCare, and eating right. My life was changing.

I wish I had a picture to show... but I don't.

Weighing is (was) hard for me and I have always feared the number on the scale. So, I decided to only weigh when I went for a monthly checkup. It was just before my birthday in June when I went and I had dropped a total of 37lbs.
June of 2012 my 29th birthday weekend

 I was completely satisfied with this accomplishment but it seemed like I had leveled off. By the end of June, I wasn’t losing weight as quickly so I introduced another great AdvoCare product to my MNS max E strips. Themoplus got me through the plateau and I still was feeling amazing. The scale that doesn’t lie, read I dropped 53 ½ pounds at mid Aug. 2012. Not to mention the amount of inches I’d lost that I wish I had kept track of. I had no idea I would do so well with MNS max or that IT would do so well for me. I had no idea what AdvoCare can really do for someone.

Makes me laugh because yes, that is a beer in my hand at a kid rock concert. And this folks, was the FIRST photo of mine to ever go viral. I went public on the net, and my life was changed forever!

Once I had lost 87lbs we were head first into the business side of AdvoCare. I discovered that the very doctors that had helped save my life, also backed these amazing products I will forever be grateful to have found. How could I NOT try to help others do the same? It became my purpose, to help others fully LIVE and be healthier. If I didn't share this with others, I'd just be selfish.

We attended one of our fabulous leaders in AdvoCare milestone party. 

AdvoCare has changed my life.
I no longer fear the number on the scale. Not because I’ve lost so much weight, but because it’s not about the number. It’s about the natural healthy feeling that AdvoCare gives me. AdvoCare makes me FEEL as fantastic as any human should feel.

My daily is MNS max E, Catalyst, Thermoplus, of course Spark, pro biotic restore, cranchews along with every 90-100 days we do a 10 herbal cleanse. Now my husband and I exercise daily and have introduced the amazing Performance Elite line just as the professional athletes use we also continue to eat healthy.
And he too has changed his life. Daniel has lost 62lbs and we're currently building lean muscle. (Blog about Daniel's weight loss and medication drop will follow, stay tuned...)

I changed my life, truly. And because I believe in these products with all my being, I want to help others achieve what I thought to be impossible.
These pants are the only ones I'll hang onto, to show others what can be. Yes, they are elastic. Because being a size 16/18 I never could find 'cute jeans'. 

We're looking for more champions to join our Journey! 

My story doesn’t end there… it’s only just begun!

Exactly one year difference. Total weight loss 106lbs. From a size 16/18 to a size 7/8 

And wouldn't you know, I turned 30 in 2013. With a 106 pound weight loss to celebrate, it was the BEST birthday yet!
30th year of life, Healthiest year of life! Thank you God, and thank you AdvoCare!

Join our Journey at
And change your life!!

**AdvoCare does not make medical claims. This is a personal story written by a real life person.**


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