Take Control, NOW.

It's official that 2015 is live and active. As if we had an option. It's time to wake up and take back control of your LIFE . And it begins with your health. Because Healthy people, are happier. Their skin glows more, the hair shines more, and their smiles are bigger! Are all healthy people happy? Probably not, but the reason would be a whole other blog post. We're going with healthy habits! I understand many people within our metro area are doing the Daniel fast . (see here for details http://www.openbible.info/topics/the_daniel_fast ) Which is AWESOME! I'd like to believe it would be a little different in the modern days here though.. we are such an active society, where we have 'fat skinny' people! I'm not blogging about a Daniel fast. It was just a paragraph. If you are doing one, I commend you! I however, am not . I am however on the Advocare 24 Day Challenge. This year, I'm All-In as if I wasn't already? No.. I have been. T...