A personal growth Goal.

Today I take Day 1.... of a 'Do Over' Challenge.

Yes, I realize this will be two challenges in one month I'm taking on. But you know what that means in English?

 New challenges=Success at LIFE. Take THAT life.

And why not.

What is in your life you'd like a 'Do Over' with? I'm not taking ANY personal credit for this here, I'm merely excelling in my own Do Over and hoping others will follow with in persuing something they should have already done, or wished they could still.

Jon Acuff http://acuff.me/ is pretty swell.
I saw him live, speak first, and I lucked out for sure. Because now I'm reading his books too. Score One Jon.

 I went to see Andy Andrews http://www.andyandrews.com/ whom I had seen before and KNEW was awesome.

 But then just like God does, introduced me to Jon.

He makes things fun. As does Andy. So now I have two favorites.
Just so happens one of them has decided to challenge me... and thus where my blog post comes in.

I challenge YOU- on behalf of a favorite author of mine challenging me. So what's your 'Do Over'?

New new book 'Do Over' will be released in April. By then I will be succeeding in my challenges.

Follow my lead would you?
Here. http://acuff.me/10ddoc/

And here is where I tell you my 'Do Over'

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