Take Control, NOW.

It's official that 2015 is live and active. As if we had an option.

It's time to wake up and take back control of your LIFE.
And it begins with your health. Because Healthy people, are happier. Their skin glows more, the hair shines more, and their smiles are bigger! Are all healthy people happy? Probably not, but the reason would be a whole other blog post.

We're going with healthy habits!
I understand many people within our metro area are doing the Daniel fast. (see here for details http://www.openbible.info/topics/the_daniel_fast ) Which is AWESOME!
I'd like to believe it would be a little different in the modern days here though.. we are such an active society, where we have 'fat skinny' people!

I'm not blogging about a Daniel fast. It was just a paragraph. If you are doing one, I commend you!

I however, am not.
I am however on the Advocare 24 Day Challenge.

 This year, I'm All-In as if I wasn't already? No.. I have been. That's this years slogan, and I'm running with it. Because 2015 is MY year. It's OUR teams year! I have so many goals this year, and one of them, already in process #backtohealth

It starts here.
Citrus Cleanse is mine, the Peaches and Cream flavor is Daniel's.

My morning looks like this on days 1-3 and 8-10 (please advise within with further Q&A)
That is spark in the pink blender bottle. *Spark has 21 vitamins & minerals. To support mental focus and clarity.
 Shortly after that was down, I mixed up my Peppermint Meal replacement shake. Normally I really love to cook breakfast. Day 2 I had egg white muffins. #heaveninyourmouth

What do we eat? All kinds of yummy foods!! I meal prep, because it makes life so much easier.

On my day 1 of my cleanse though, I had a pre-planned lunch date with this beauty...
So what did I do for food? Ohhhh well let me show you. Yea, I'm that girl... who takes photos of food. Especially when it's gorgeous. #lovehatefoodrelationship
This would be grilled Salmon and grilled veggies. Take THAT! #likeangelsdancingonyourtounge

So, the cleanse is hard? No.
It's a 'detox' so to speak. You know the lent trap in your dryer? You know how you have to clean that off before EVERY new cycle starts? Well friends. That's what we're doing for our body too. Only we do it every 90 days. And what better way to start the NEW year? Exactly.
It's gentle and uneventful. It doesn't leave you running to the bathroom all day long. So don't get the wrong idea.
You need to drink WATER! Great app to help that? Water your body. Get it, do it, and drink your water folks!
Bored with it? Try this.
Few slices of cucumbers. 

It's so refreshing! I have a gallon jug, and once I'm through that, anything extra is just bonus. About 20 oz every hour, and you'll be set! Get 5 of them!
Next question I get a lot of is working out. When I first began Advocare, I didn't workout much. Now I know I get BETTER results, and tone up while losing weight.. so yes, I workout. And right now, very simple. Because I'm NOT made for these winter months, I am not running when it's below 30 degrees.
So today...
Want to know what ELSE to use a paper plate for? Those legggggs mannn! Mountain climbers, sideways, together, separate. Abs and legs, all in one yo'! Do it!
It's cold in my house too.. #dontjudgeme
My snapchat girls got this today. 50 burpees. #andIstillhatethem
You want that summer body? #summerbodiesaremadeinthewinter

 Get it done NOW. NOW is your time. NOW is your year!
That question isn't rhetorical either. Get up. Get dressed. No matter how you feel. And yes, I have to tell myself that daily! This year, I actually wrote it down on an index card and taped it on my nightstand. Do whatever it takes. Because remember, YOU matter!
Take control back. Be GREATER.

*these views are based on Misty Scott, independent distributor of Advocare*
*I make no medical claims* only AWESOME truths!

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