There is, a book for this.

There's an oil for that. There's a product for this. There's a way you should eat . There's a certain water intake you should have daily. There's a pill for that. There's music for that mood. There's a food for that season. There's a wine that matches that food. There's a jacket to match those pants. There, there , there -is always something . The something that is there that you should be picking up and taking with you everyday is your Faith. There is that. Do you have that? Once, I thought I did. But soon quickly when the biggest trial we'd face as a married couple hit us, turns out my faith wasn't near as strong as I thought. It took building. Just as a small business.You have to build a business, just as you have to build your strength when you work out. Just as you have to- build your faith. It is a process. You can wake up and say "...