Are you going to answer that Call?

I have a confession.

I used to think that people who talked about 'their calling' were crazy. 

Okay, before you're quick to judge me. Let me explain.

I grew up in a home where it was my brother and I, a lot. We were a family of 3, and when we didn't have a home to live in, that family would include my grandparents.

My mom went to work during the day, and school at night. This was my growing up for several years, that I remember. So, for me as young girl, I thought, you go to school, you get a job, and you continue school.

A little background for you, I wanted to be a singer. Yes, the next Mariah Carey, y'all! I caaannnn sing. Buuuuttt at the time I didn't realize I wasn't a soprano. And well, have you heard Mariah? 
So, finding my 'sound' was what I was in dire need of. I was never taught how to read music, but I can sing any cover song after hearing it once. I thought that was my gift. 
However I was quickly shut down. Told that, the singing industry was very competitive, and I didn't have what it took.
I wrote in my journal this very thing. "Mom said singing wouldn't be my "calling", whatever that means".
I wrote, every night. And that was something I LOVED to do. But again, as my mom would leave for school, I knew I would need an education, and a job. And since we were poor, I'd have to make my own way.

So to be "called" to do something, I saw nothing.

As I got older, and I'm talking mid 20's. I would hear our Pastor say "Your calling in this life..." or " you are called to be more". And I would just shake my head... well no one is "calling" me for anything, maybe you have a better area code! 

It wasn't until AdvoCare in all honesty, that I was told by a man I greatly admire and look up to, that it was never too late to dream, and be anything you want to be.
Granted this man is only a few years older than I am, and he's 'ministering' to me. I mean, I laughed (on the inside....okay maybe out loud, I don't know) at first because I thought, "who are you? you don't know where I came from... you must have had a real home growing up and parents that told you they were proud of you".

**Side note** Do you know I never had anyone growing up that was in a placement of my life to tell me they were proud of me? Never. If you have that, EMBRACE IT!

So back to this man and telling me... or rather giving me permission to dream again!
I began to write again that night. No, not sing... I don't feel like that was truly what I am supposed to be doing. Ha! But I enjoy singing to the radio. =)

 "My calling" I haven't let this go. I've prayed, I've written, and I've talked about what I'm called to do. Because you live in the same day and age I do, and NOW is as good as any to LIVE your calling. It's never too late. Does it happen over night? No, if it does for you, you might be Mariah herself.
But nothing has happened to me over night, and nothing has ever just been given to me either. I've had to work at it. I have to take steps of Faith each move, every day. And trust that I'm doing what God has called me to do.

People are watching you. But they aren't watching you waiting for you to fail. They are watching you to watch you WIN! Because if you live each day in steps of obedience, living out what God has put you here for, people just might be inspired enough to take the initial step of faith themselves. And how awesome would that be!? 

Our time on earth is short. And I don't know if you are living under a rock and don't know the evil that is all around us- because, the Devil comes to kill, steal and destroy. And if you don't take a stand NOW, will you ever?

Join the movement. 


***Don't know what your calling is? I'd love to connect with you and pray with you, and help you begin.***

As always, 


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