There is, a book for this.

There's an oil for that.
There's a product for this. 

There's a way you should eat.

There's a certain water intake you should have daily. 

There's a pill for that. 

There's music for that mood. 
There's a food for that season. 
There's a wine that matches that food. 
There's a jacket to match those pants.

There, there, there-is always something.

The something that is there that you should be picking up and taking with you everyday is your Faith.
There is that.
Do you have that? 

Once, I thought I did. But soon quickly when the biggest trial we'd face as a married couple hit us, turns out my faith wasn't near as strong as I thought. It took building.
Just as a small business.You have to build a business, just as you have to build your strength when you work out. Just as you have to- build your faith. It is a process. You can wake up and say "God I give it all to you. I surrender everything, take it all" and you can literally change your life then and there. Yes, just like that.

Hear me when I say, there is no pill to help your faith. There is no product to help build your faith. There is no amount of water that will save you either! You can be baptized and still live a sinful life. 

I'm not judging anyone, this was a hard message to lay out, but it's been on my heart and in my mind for too many days now, not to share it with someone who needs to hear this.

Your Faith can move mountains. Because God can move mountains. 
Your Faith can change you. Because God changes you.
Your Faith can save you. Because God died to save you!

My first message of my women's ministry I'm officially telling people about, is the above. 
Let's find your faith, together.

I'm no expert. I'm far from perfect. And when I prayed about this post, and about my venture into a women's study, I questioned. (first rule, never question what God is opening doors for you to do).
I thought God I'm not the person for this, I've made more mistakes than the people closest to me even know about. I'm the last person to give advice.
But you know what his answer was? No, Misty, you are just the person to do so. 

I am broken, just like you. I have failures, just like you. I've been divorced, like a lot of others.
I have a blended family, just like you. I've overcome addiction, just like 85% of Americans. 
And I will lead us to a Faith driven heart, and we will attempt each day to walk just like Jesus did.

Will we fall? Yes, every day maybe- even the days you don't leave the house. Thanks to social media, you can fall while you are on the toilet! (I surely don't have to explain that one..)

I'm excited to go on this journey with the women who want to join me. I'm even more excited to share God's word, and have sisters in Christ who need to be fed, just as I do.

There is, a book for this.

As always,

**checkout my new page
More info coming soon. 
Official launch January 2016**


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