Here's to Twenty Sixteen

New Years Resolutions..... Yo' I threw the slang in there just to make you wonder, "what could the rest of the blog possibly be like?" I love reading people's opinions on resolutions. Anywhere from "why wait until new year" to "I make them every year and never follow through". We're all there. It's the "New year, new me" Only you can't help but think, seriously, that's so cliche'. For so many people it works. And that's totally cool. You know why? Because we give ourselves HOPE. Hope is everything. A hope for a better tomorrow. A hope for a better year. On a Side note : For some folks, Christmas is the hardest holiday because of the strap of finances. When it should be more glorious because, the celebration of our Lord and Savior! How awful that some of us are so stressed out, yet we're alive today because the birth of Christ? We've been there. We were there. This year. I...