The Offended.

Why are people so offended in this modern day we live in?
Are they/we really more offended, or is it just that we have nothing better to do than complain about something someone else said or did?

Or - are we jealous we didn't think of it first?

I wish I could guess the above answers, but we all know what they say about opinions, and well, it would be just that. My opinion.

Funny enough, the folks who are offended aren't outspoken. Wait, let me rephrase.
They aren't going to be vocal about it. They'll actually be the ones who are in your "cheering" section. They will be the ones to agree with you, and say "I don't know why people get so offended so quickly." (No... I'm for SURE not directly pointing at anyone when I say/write that. I honestly have NO IDEA who gets offended that are in my circle). Yet they are the ones yakking behind your back the minute you turn away.

I love life. I enjoy being able to sub at my kids school. I enjoy laughing and having fellowship with my friends. I'm also a mother of 3 boys at home and a daughter who's moved out. I'm active in our church. I'm active in my kids lives. And my husband and I have a love I've never experienced before.
I'll be a published author soon, and I'm launching a propel chapter to help empower women through the word of God.

I don't write those things to impress, or brag or boast. Just as I don't write them to offend or upset anyone. But I can promise you in this life you will either inspire or intimidate people - & neither one is even about you.

"In this life you will either inspire or intimidate people- 
& neither one is even about you."

So what offended you recently? A facebook post? The joy of social media is the "unfollow" option. Or if at the end of the day you have to unfollow everyone maybe it's the "deactivate" option?

Maybe it was something someone actually said in front of you? Maybe it's time to stop associating with that person? Or have a heart to heart, to try to come to an agreement and if that doesn't work, maybe it's time to part ways.

I feel like before social media the "offended" wasn't as noticed. Maybe I'm wrong. But in that defense I revert back to the "unfollow" option - or a flat out delete them as a friend.
It's hard enough not to compare ourselves to someone else's "highlight" reel - let alone be offended by something someone said/typed or did/posted.

My purpose in this life is to encourage. To empower. To lift others up! I try to do it in a fashion that I can be funny and understanding, I try not to post/say/show something that would offend someone. But even with as hard as I might try, I will fail from time to time. And for that, I'm not sorry.
Because friends, it's my facebook. It's my blog. it's my opinion. If you disagree, you are entitled to do so.

You see "they" say we are more connected than ever before. After all we have the world at our finger tips. But personally I would have to disagree. It's because we have the world at our finger tips that I think we are ore disconnected than ever. Because facebook isn't real life! Insta-gram/model/food etc, twitter, is NOT. REAL. LIFE!

It's fun. Absolutely! But it's taken us over. With the device in your hand how are you building that relationship? Sure it could start there, but somehow you still have to connect.
We're literally raising a generation addicted to the device. A generation where you snap a photo to communicate. A generation scared to call in a pizza order because they don't know how to talk on the phone.

No wonder there are so many people offended! Everything is "read" online and you can't hear their voice! You don't even know the person you are talking to, to know they are/might be teasing!

I will get off my soap box.. I enjoy social media. I enjoy watching my childhood friends raise their own children. I enjoy the elf on the shelf pictures. I enjoy my friends smiles in all their highlight posts. But maybe it's time we unplug a little more and see those smiles, in person. Chill out a little more and start getting to know that virtual friend you've not actually met yet.
I'm not pointing fingers, I plan to take my very own advice. 
But I'm also not turning people in or being offended because of something someone posted. I'm just the one who felt like I needed to delete a post I found hilarious because I was afraid to offend someone.

Don't be so offended!

**views of Misty Scott, all rights reserved**
<if you are offended don't read it>


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