Rising Above your Circumstances, living with IC

Living with IC. Interstitial cystitis (IC), also known as bladder pain syndrome (BPS), is a chronic inflammatory condition of the submucosal and muscular layers of the bladder. The cause of IC/BPS is currently unknown and the condition is regarded as a diagnosis of exclusion. I'm positive even some of my dear friends didn't know this about me. And that's okay, it's not a hot topic that we could just go out and be like, 'hey, so do you have any diseases I've never heard of?" And it's not really a meeting with your girlfriends once a month salon talk either. So, maybe you have it. Or something you don't want to discuss. I'm now leaving that door open. Because this is only part 1 of transparency coming your way. What is IC? Webster the Internet defines it as described above. I explain it as the most bipolar bladder ever. I went through years of testing, poking and prodding to finally having the book thrown at me for ...