
Showing posts from January, 2016

Rising Above your Circumstances, living with IC

Living with IC. Interstitial cystitis  (IC), also known as bladder pain syndrome (BPS), is a chronic inflammatory condition of the submucosal and muscular layers of the bladder. The cause of IC/BPS is currently unknown and the condition is regarded as a diagnosis of exclusion. I'm positive even some of my dear friends didn't know this about me. And that's okay, it's not a hot topic that we could just go out and be like, 'hey, so do you have any diseases I've never heard of?" And it's not really a meeting with your girlfriends once a month salon talk either. So, maybe you have it. Or something you don't want to discuss. I'm now leaving that door open. Because this is only part 1 of transparency coming your way. What is IC? Webster the Internet defines it as described above. I explain it as the most bipolar bladder ever. I went through years of testing, poking and prodding to finally having the book thrown at me for ...

A letter for teachers. You are miracles.

Teachers are amazing gifts from God. Before a teenager reads this blog and rolls her eyes and says "Yeah right, you haven't met .........." I get it.  But let me explain something. I thought I was substitute teaching because, I was getting myself out of the house a little more, to meet new people, and put a little side money in our pockets. Sure, it's those things. But let me tell you what I didn't expect it to be. A learning experience with a whole new level of appreciation. I already respected our teachers. They put up with all 4 of our kids that have gone through the public schools with them, but now, a whole new level of respect. Today, I subbed in ISD.  And a teacher of one of the girls I had, came in. She handed the young girl a paper, and it had some questions on it. Clearly it was an assignment that the girl was going to be missing since she isn't in her normal classroom.  The teacher who was making small talk with her student...

We're Better Together in Sweet 16'

Happy Foodie post! I'm always excited to talk about food. Anything from a sweet tooth, to snacks, to entire meals for the family. A lot of ideas for our meals come from my pinterest account which can be found here,  my pinterest  You can find them under  Our way of life  or  Delish . There are healthy recipes in both....and there are two boards because when I first created my Pinterest account, I didn't realize how important it would be when I really started focusing on living a healthier lifestyle. However, with that being said, cheat meals are acceptable. ONCE a week. And no, not the entire day... we're talking a meal . Don't deprive yourself. (there is no cheat meal however, for my folks on a 10 day cleanse-- my fellow challengers) Let's begin! The Scott's are All In in Sweet 16' Because we're Better Together! (Is our motto for the year!) This is just my 10 day cleanse portion. I'll tell you what, and why. And also why I minimiz...