What a Day.

I get asked daily, what I eat , what I do to stay motivated , & what supplements I take . My favorite question is; How do I stay motivated . I motivate myself. No, seriously. I have a tribe of people that I love crazy hard, and they are in my cheering section, every. single. day. I'm so grateful! Because when I am struggling, it's them I turn to and hear the words " I'm so proud of you and your motivation ". They don't even realize what they've just done for me. Every morning I wake up with a thankful heart. It might be a 'heavy eyes' thank you, but it's a thank you for another day, I'm awake, I am able to get up and I am healthy. I'm not much of a morning person, but I would like to think I've gotten 80% better. I start 6 days a week at 5/515am. I like to be at the gym no later than 530am, because if I'm later than that, I rush, & if I'm earlier, I will slack off and not push myself very...