What a Day.

I get asked daily, what I eat, what I do to stay motivated, & what supplements I take.

My favorite question is;
How do I stay motivated.

I motivate myself. No, seriously.

I have a tribe of people that I love crazy hard, and they are in my cheering section, every. single. day. I'm so grateful! Because when I am struggling, it's them I turn to and hear the words "I'm so proud of you and your motivation". They don't even realize what they've just done for me.

Every morning I wake up with a thankful heart. It might be a 'heavy eyes' thank you, but it's a thank you for another day, I'm awake, I am able to get up and I am healthy.

I'm not much of a morning person, but I would like to think I've gotten 80% better. 

I start 6 days a week at 5/515am. I like to be at the gym no later than 530am, because if I'm later than that, I rush, & if I'm earlier, I will slack off and not push myself very hard. (What that translates to is, I roam around like I'm lost... with no where to go)

If you've ever read "From this Day forward" by my pastor Craig Groeschel... this term I use, came from that book. My going to the gym everyday is my Keystone habit.
Going into week 9, if I don't get up and go to the gym, my entire day just isn't right. As in, everything is 'off'. I could "sleep in" but then I'd be more tired, and I'd still be late, I wouldn't feel as awesome as if I had just drug myself out of bed and gone to the gym. Even if I did roaming...

It takes 22 days (give or take) to break a habit. Which also means it takes the same amount of time to form a new one.
So give yourself a month. Give yourself 4 weeks and get up! Go at least 5 days a week, never missing more than 2 days in a row of working out. And see if it doesn't change you.

What I eat.
I eat whatever I want.

Now that you've called me a liar, let me share with you what I mean.

I am pretty much a lover of all foods. Literally.
In the morning, I want eggs, and that's what eat. If I want oatmeal, I eat it (I actually can't stand oatmeal... but oddly enough, some days I want it)
If I want bacon, I eat it.
I eat chicken, I eat turkey meat, I eat hamburgers, I eat protein bars, I eat peanut butter, just ask Katie Bush. If people saw our pictures, and texts back and forth, they'd think we need a support group.

I literally eat what I want.

I just eat in moderation.
That's the key y'all!

I have a burger, I have ONE. And most the time I don't eat the bun unless I made it at home, because I'm fancy and I like my buns toasted. (laugh, it's totally fine)
If I have oatmeal, I measure what I'm eating to portion control. I don't put sugar in it. I don't put syrup in it.
There is a time and a place to splurge, and friends, that is not everyday!

I eat ice cream, not the whole container in one shot. I usually take Sunday and slack off. It's my 'rest day' and even so, It doesn't mean I eat everything in my pantry... first of all, I live in a house full of boys, my pantry is full only 2 times a month, and lucky for me, those days don't fall on Sunday's.
I enjoy Friday night out with my husband, and our boys, and they've come to expect the Friday night out, for dinner, and it's become our favorite family thing.

So, my answer for what I eat is, everything. In moderation.

My supplements are world class. 

We've been taking AdvoCare products for over 4 years now. And while I appreciate the offers to have me hold your product in a photo, my answer will always be no.
I love everything AdvoCare represents, and stands for.
Third party testing, endorsers that are compensated in product only (exception of one, Drew Brees, who is our national spokesman.)
Sign me up, they work! 
If you have a product that works for you, awesome! Stick with it. My biggest issue is like exercise, give it time. Let it work. If you don't work for it, how can it work for you?

"If you don't work for it, how can it work for you?"--Misty Scott

Now that I've gotten my mini soap box written, let me share what I won't and don't go a day without.

*Spark- 21 vitamins and minerals, 5 hrs of clean energy and mental focus.
*Catalyst- BCAA's. This is the best of the best folks. Helps protect your muscle, and eat your fat.
*MNS-(stands for metabolic nutrition system) it's your daily vitamins that your body NEEDS.

I have several others I take, but these are 3 that are my 'bread and butter, plus the butter knife you need'. I also do a cleanse every 90 days or so as well. The cleanse is important because it helps detox your body. If you are interested in more, please send me a message by finding me on Facebook. or email to themistyscott@gmail.com

I love the Performance Elite line as well, and my favorite 'cocktail' for my personal workouts are stacked, Mass Impact® (again with the BCAA's, see how important they are?..), Arginine Extreme™ (helps you breathe, oxygen flow), Spark (a given) and Rehydrate (a product that literally helps my husband survive the Oklahoma heat)

This isn't a sales pitch, this is, what I take, they work and give me great results speech.
Again, you have something that works for you, that's awesome, just be consistent.

**All views are of Misty Scott & themistyscott.com I am an independent distributor of AdvoCare. I am not a licensed trainer, nor am I a nutritionist.
My views are of my own, as someone who's fallen off the wagon and chosen to get back up and live a healthy lifestyle where I choose to help others who seek my help.**
*All rights reserved.

Interested in the book I referred to up above? Find it, here.
Find our story here.

As always,


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