to the thirtysomethings.


Yea, you read it right.

It's like a pre-midlife awareness for me... so I thought I'd share.

My big 30th birthday we were in limbo of the completion of our double court custody battle that we were rolled through.

And that was the entrance to my thirties. Now, we're 3 fresh years in.

Here's what I think-so far.

  • By the time you are 30, you've probably had all the children your going to have (unless your my best friend who is 33 and hasn't started yet.. I'm certain she just wanted my kids for babysitters)

  • You are raising miniature yous. (Laugh, it's true)

  • You've been married, probably more than once. (statistics don't lie.. and I'm not judging)

  • You've bought your first home, maybe lost it too.

  • You've bought a car. And also realized insurance rates are the worst.

  • You've gotten a job. Maybe your dream job, maybe your still spinning in the 'what am I gonna do with my life'

  • You've dabbled in direct sales.

  • You've gained and lost weight.
    You've also realized you need to start working out regularly and like, should have started yesterday.

  • You've realized politics are the biggest joke in America (pun intended)

  • You've started losing loved ones.

  • You are totally fine with a bedtime of 9:30, 10pm.

  • You are good with shoes that are for comfort, stylish is only a byproduct.

  • Music from the 90's, is actually good music.

  • You realize loyalty from your friends is way more important than the quantity of them.

  • You've gone to PTA meetings and judged the other moms. (Don't lie... you know you do)

  • You have been at least once, maybe 800 times, been overwhelmed with the rapidly changing and advancing technology. Not to mention, social media sites... from Myspace to Facebook, to Instagram, to Twitter, to Vine, to Snapchat, to whatever new and 'improved' is now out there that I don't even know about.

  • You've filed taxes, many times by now, and probably paid uncle same a time or 8.

  • You learned how to love, and appreciate fine wine.

  • You take longer to recover after a night of cards and wine.

  • You just realized you agreed with that sentence, because your idea of a 'fun night out' is playing cards with your two people you trust.

  • You've traveled and even have favorite destinations.

As you let all of that sink in... remember, you are only in your thirties, and remember how short life is, and how the "glory years", have only just begun.
Don't wait for retirement, take vacations.
Don't wait until you can fully afford it, put a little back each week, and go do it.

Don't stop searching. Don't stop goal digging. Don't stop learning.

Do stop waiting. Do stop blaming. Do stop making excuses.

Be thirtysomething.

Misty Rayne


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