What you eat in private.... yeah, no, I already know.

What you eat in private, shows in public. These are words I tell myself, often. Especially when I'm enjoying ice cream, or candy of any kind.. preferably gummy bears or chocolate covered marsh mellows. In case anyone is looking for last minute Valentine's Day gifts for me... you're welcome. No, don't... please. Does it stop me? Not much … not like it used to. Not like it should. Can I just be real with you? Like, legit, raw honesty here? I am a stress eater. And since about June of 16' I've been more stressed than a 'normal' stressed. The why isn't really important, what's important is I'm destroying my health.. my body and my self esteem. I pride myself on healthy habits. On exercise. On guiding others to a healthier life. So, what am I doing to myself? I feel like such a hypocrite . I read recently in several places... where it said 'Food is medicine'. That fires me up. Because that is NOT true! But a sm...