No, Really.

So, do you? Do you really know someone?

In today's world everything is merely surface level.
We filter our photos, so we're not exactly the same person you run into at the local store, as we are in our profile photo. #BestFootForward right?
We wonder why our photo or status update didn't get any likes, or as many as we thought it should. We even delete a post, if it didn't have as many likes as a previous post. I mean, how embarrassing that it would have 4 verses yesterday, you had 54 likes.

I'm guilty of all these things, by the way. My current profile photo is one I had taken for my professional portfolio. So it's not the same as running into me on Sunday while I'm at the local piggly wiggly with no make-up and a ball cap on.
I've deleted a post before, because no one had liked it. I've also been guilty of only posting the highlight reel.

The growing I've done in the last 4.5 years has blown my mind. I love who I am. I love where I am.
I'm not perfect, nor do I claim to be. I have ex husband drama. I have people that don't like me. I have to work at saying no to gossip.

But my real friends. My tribe. I know them. I know their favorite color. I know their birthdays. More so, I know their phone numbers.

I read this article about friendship and really knowing someone. And this is what struck up this blog post. It's the 2nd blog in 2 weeks that has been directed toward social media. And with that realization, I think I may be the one with the issue.
I'm guilty of having friends on my facebook who don't even like me. We are merely 'friends' because we share mutual friends. Isn't that kinda funny? What makes it so odd is they don't even know me, like, know me... and I don't really know them. And strangely, this is socially acceptable .

So I want to know you. If you are reading this, and you are on my facebook, or a follower on my Instagram. I want to know you.
It's Biblical that life is created to be together. And the screen of your phone or computer sharing a like and/or comment... isn't the same. So what if we utilize our social media platform to gather?

I want to create a movement. Yes, I know you're busy. I'm busy too. But commit, once a month, to meet together, share laughs, food, tea, coffee. I want to know what your favorite number is and why. Your favorite color, sports team, what you are passionate about.

Life is better together.

See you soon.
xo- Misty


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