
There comes a time when enough is enough.
You've had all the junk you can eat, and you FEEL like you've had enough too.
Which I understand for some, maybe you aren't like that, and seriously feel like you could continue this charade. Let's be honest though okay... you can't, and you shouldn't #Amirite 

We don't start our next 24 day challenge until January 7th. While that isn't far away, at all. It's still a week away. And I'm ready #putaforkinme and while that hashtag might be funny, it's true in two ways, #enoughisenough

So how do you get back on point? Simple, START.
So it began. Monday Dec 29th, I began- again. Really I wasn't AS strict with my diet since about Aug. #morelikeJune but we'll go with that.
It starts with your water intake. GET that 100 ounces in y'all. Body weight divided by 2 is suggested. And when you're starting out, yes. But 100 oz. will change your whole world. 
My life in the past year for sure consists of shaker bottles. And why not? I can do spark, slim, oasis... and measure my water. #lifemadesimple
My MNS (metabolic nutrition system) is E, #energy
Oatmeal, #getinmybelly

Next you have a snack, and by this time for sure, should be on the next round of measured water.
 A gallon jug will make your life so much easier. It's on the go, like we are. I highly suggest!
This was my snack in the am. #earthbalancepb and a apple Cinnamon rice cake. It's worth your effort. 
About 12:30 I'm taking my last MNS packet of vitamins. They provide all the energy I need throughout my day not to mention my nutrition I can't get through my diet of food. (Doesn't matter how clean you eat y'all... you NEED supplements)
Lunch. #ohmygosh I looked forward to this meal. I LOVE the Oklahoma made Jan's pickles. It's a chunk of one, cut into those slices. Deli mustard it was zero cal. Sliced peppered turkey lunch meat, NOT pre-packaged. And you can see there the type of pita I used. 100cal. Lowering your calories is great, and counting calories is fine and dandy... however, don't restrict yourself to 500 a day. It's not enough. Especially when you are adding in a workout. You just burned EVERYTHING you ate. You have GOT to fuel your body. Don't forget that. 
My pm snack. At this point, I'm about done with my gallon of water. #its3pm Another 16 oz. is all that is left as matter of a fact. I take Catalyst again. I also took it with my morning vitamin pack before breakfast, and again before lunch. I take it with a pm snack like this, IF I'm going for a run/working out after the pm snack. #getinyourownroutine 
Gingerbread Advo bar is packed with 11g of protein not to mention is YUMM! help fuel me for my workout or the rest of my day. 
Last MEAL of the day. I found this recipe on it's a large pork lion, it's honey/maple glazed. (All organic/low cal) you see onions. I'm also a big fan of fresh ginger and garlic. You read organic and frowned didn't you? Don't. It's called being smart about ingredients. I WISH Oklahoma had Trader Joe's. I shop at Wal-mart just like you though. Shop smarter.

I've eaten all of this is one day. And I'm set. I feel SO great too. Even though I'm still ready for my cleanse, I already feel lighter on my feet. If you FEEL good, you LOOK good. If you LOOK good people notice. And then what? They want to feel that way too.
Before bed, lastly I finish with Advocare's products Omega plex, and Probiotic. Important for my system to still be moving while I sleep. Unfortunately I do not have the metabolism of a 14 year old anymore.. and things need to be moving while you sleep, and ready for the next day that the Lord blesses you with. #donttakeasingledayforgranted 
I can't tell you how much I giggle inside to know I LOVE the 'green' products. The "older" I get (I'm like 21...*cough..Cough** 31) the more I care about wellness. And in Advocare, that's what the green line is. Wellness. Because that's what helps fight back colds, and flu season.  And just over all being WELL. Will you not get sick? No. Will it not last as long if you do? Probably. **I make NO medical claims** 
Here is how awesome omega is though, DO NOT leave it off your order!

So tell me, are you going to eat all that Atlantic Mackerel fish ALL day to get the intake you should have? No. #dontlie you can't. So get Omega's IN. It's the good fat, helps manage the bad fat. #byefelicia

As you read this, I'm certain of a few things... 
1. You cannot fathom drinking that much water, you'll be 'floating' by noon... #kindatrue but your body will get used to it and you will see it in your skin and hair shine and your body will literally FEEL so much better. Do it anyway.
2. Why all the hashtags? Because they are fun, and I can put more in without punctuation because I'm horrible in that area as it is... 
3. Rice cakes taste like cardboard. Um, hello... EVERYTHING is better with Peanut butter. Because you either love peanut butter, or you're wrong.
4. This question I get asked all the time. "What ALL products do you take?"
I never go a day without the following (Exception of being on a cleanse)
  • Spark (Mommy go juice!)
  • MNS (I go between E and 3 (3 is for Over all wellness, E is for Energy)
  • Catalyst (BCAA, Branch Chain Amino Acids-protect MUSCLE! Eat Fat.)
I literally could live there. But why? Why not enhance and tone and be even MORE awesome??
  • C-grams (wellness line) and the bottle will last you forever... literally. Fight cold season.
  • Probiotic. I take this ON top of what's in my MNS already. Yes, women, it's important.
  • Omega. Again on top of what's in my MNS. 2 before bed.
  • Slim (I keep on hand, I do not take this daily... I'm not a snacker)
Now, I'll take you into a day at the gym... with all of the above. Keep in mind, that the Wellness line, those bottles will last for a really long while.. However, this is why getting an Advocare *discount is ideal!
  • O2 Gold. I run. And I need to breath. End of story. (Inquire within..)
  • Mass Impact. I lift. Heavy. (BCAA)
  • Arginine Extreme. Gotta have the oxygen & endurance 
  • Post workout. (repair to rebuild)
It's important to be healthy. It's important to EAT healthy. And it's ridiculously important to supplement to do so!

*Advocare discount is always there, please contact Advocare Independent distributor.

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