This may take awhile

I've been MIA from the blog for a bit... and I'm sorry for that. It turns out that writing a book and blogging isn't as simple as I'd like. So I have to pick one or the other here lately. And I finally gave myself a deadline for my first book.. and well, let's just say, I'm ALMOST done!! 

Part of my short coming is being organized. I stink at it. There I said it. I wish I felt better about saying it, but I don't. Because it isn't fixed.

Sometimes it takes awhile to fix things. You can't just wake up one day and bam! You are an organized person. It takes awhile.
I can't fix a relationship that I've been estranged from for 5 plus years over night. That too, takes awhile.
I also can't realize I was wrong, apologize and it's all better just like that too.... again, it may take awhile.

It leads me to a GREAT sermon I listened to not long ago, Steven Furtick. I've been recommending him to anyone I know! His sermons are changing my life y'all. But in his series "The power of Same" there is a message "This may take awhile". And it's true in all we do in life I think.

Success. Part of the success is the journey it takes to get there! ENJOY the journey! Because the only true destination you'll have, is in Heaven. There is no final destination here on ground Earth. Only the journey. So you have to be joyful. You have to take things in stride. Be you. Be real, even though that means you have to be raw sometimes. And sometimes that means you've done/said some hurtful things. And even though the tongue is small, it's the most powerful. So be mindful. You can't unsay things. And fixing that too, takes time.

But also is a two way road. I can't fix an estranged relationship alone. If there is no support on the other side... it may never be fixed. And I guess that too, you have to learn to be okay with, even though that process as well, may take awhile.

God has the master plan. We don't. You have to trust the process. You have to remember that our Father is the Gardener and sometimes our branches have to be pruned and sometimes, even cut back.
If you aren't being fruitful, keep that in mind the next time you go through something and are frustrated. Maybe.... just maybe that isn't going to produce fruit. And because you really aren't in charge, that branch needed cut.
And then... the pruning process. Pruning means the branch comes back stronger. And I'd like to believe that's true. Even though that.... may take awhile.


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