Mean Girls

It isn't just a movie. It's reality. And for so many girls it's our every day.

Mean Girls.

"You can't sit with us".
"On Wednesday's we wear pink".
"Is butter a carb?"
Just to name a few I like to say often, joking of course.

My personal favorite though.... (don't fool yourself into believing that I think this way--merely for my blog purposes.)

I don't think of myself as a mean girl. I know I have some 'qualities' of being one, but when I think of who is mean, I think of girls who put down other girls.

These women who are only encouraging you if you are doing something they are a fan of.
These women who if you are out at the same place with a mutual friend, is the reason they would even be saying hello.

Mean girls, should really be titled jealous girls.

Because that's what it will boil down to.
They are shaking their head no as they read this, and if you find yourself shaking your head, you are probably one of the mean girls I'm talking about.

Girls- compete.

It's crazy for me to see this happen, first hand. Especially on social media. How you see a 'friend' will comment and like posts of your other friends, yet nothing of yours. Jealous.
How you are at a mutual friends birthday party, and they say 'oh hello, good to see you, how are you? you look great' only to turn around and hear 'she's gained weight'. Jealous. No, not of the weight gain I'm sure, but of your life!

This is where the comparison trap comes in- you can be fit, beautiful and totally put together, and have the unhappiest life at home, so don't be jealous of her body!
You can be complacent, and lack motivation but have a great marriage, so don't be jealous of her marriage!
We're all different. The struggle is the same.

We all lack self confidence, we all look out the window and think that their grass looks so much greener than ours.
Do you really know what goes on within their 4 walls? No.
So when someone doesn't like your posts, or are as nice as pie to your face... smile and pray.
Because real Christians with real Christian values are anything but perfect. We all measure up the same- as sinners.

Don't judge me because I sin differently than you.

Don't be a mean girl. Be a beautiful confident women, and yes, it takes DAILY measures to pull that off. Do it anyway.


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