Seven Days A Week.

Kindness. This has been sitting on my heart since interacting with the rudest people out at the race track. It's inspired so much within my heart to change the way I view others. I repeat, Kindness. It's my 2 nd most liked word in my vocabulary now. It costs, nothing. Not one single cent, to be kind. “Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see”. -Helen Keller. I mean, how amazing and true is that? People forget that kindness is free. We can change the world, one person at a time. So each day I will be doing something, from this day forward. It'll be written on a post it note in my bathroom where I go first thing, everyday. Seeing and reminding myself too, be kind. “No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.” Monday: Compliment someone. Verbally if you can help it. Tell them you love their shoes, their smile, the way they wear their hair. Their shirt, their car. Anything, j...