Seven Days A Week.


This has been sitting on my heart since interacting with the rudest people out at the race track. 
It's inspired so much within my heart to change the way I view others.

I repeat, Kindness.

It's my 2nd most liked word in my vocabulary now.

It costs, nothing.
Not one single cent, to be kind.

“Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see”. -Helen Keller.

I mean, how amazing and true is that?

People forget that kindness is free. We can change the world, one person at a time.

So each day I will be doing something, from this day forward.
It'll be written on a post it note in my bathroom where I go first thing, everyday. Seeing and reminding myself too, be kind.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.”

Monday: Compliment someone. Verbally if you can help it. Tell them you love their shoes, their smile, the way they wear their hair. Their shirt, their car. Anything, just tell them. You yourself love to hear this kind of thing don't you? Do it for someone else.

Tuesday: Pay it forward. Maybe every week you can't afford to buy someone their over priced coffee like you are drinking... or help someone with their groceries. But you could spare the change in your car to donate to the kids out from on the store. Nothing in return, just give it. It is better to give. My Pastor just preached on 'One hand full is better than two with toil'- Craig Groeschel.

Wednesday: Leave a note on someones car. Wish them wellness and a word of encouragement. Tell them you hope they have a great day. Sign it with 'Random act of kindness

Thursday: Thankful. Thank someone for their service. Not just our amazing men/women in military. But a police officer, fireman, janitor... city workers. They do more than we'll ever know!

Friday: Fist pump. Yes, fist pump. This one goes in line with Monday, but that's okay, you know why? People NEED encouragement. When my husband tells me he's proud of me for getting up in the morning and going to the gym, (because he knows I'm better because of that), that literally makes my entire day. Tell someone they are doing a good job, that you are proud of them! Fist pump Friday.

Saturday: Share. Share laughs, a good book, love, kindness. But do it with someone brand new. I love to sit at the coffee shop and make small talk with a stranger, and make new friends. I know, this is different... you will actually have to look up from your phone.

Sunday: A day of rest. Sign off social media... turn off the news. Enjoy your family, spouse, kids, niece, nephew. Be present.

Believe that there is good in the world.
Could you imagine if we all did this, maybe not exactly this list I've come up with, but something of an act of kindness each and every day?

Be the change, you want to see.




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