28 days, minus 5

I've just finished up my 21 day fast. What an amazing experience. <I slipped up three times.> For my first full fast I am pleased with my obedience. Giving up sugar, (sweets, aka chocolate, candy..) and junk food (chips... etc) was something I knew would challenge me. And it did. And I grew closer in the word of God during this time. What a phenomenal experience. I'm so grateful for the accountability I had too. Even from people who weren't on the fast with me. They knew and we're accepting and supportive. Onto the health side of this, I felt so much better! I'm not saying I'll be giving up cake altogether.. I couldn't do that to the cakes. But I will be subsiding with my intake. I still plan to limit myself. My next challenge begins Feb 1st. And I'm taking people with me on this one. It'll be the entire month of February! Why yes... I did pick the shortest month. 28 days. The catch? Minus 5. You get 5 cheats. - "why...