28 days, minus 5

I've just finished up my 21 day fast.

What an amazing experience. <I slipped up three times.>  For my first full fast I am pleased with my obedience. Giving up sugar, (sweets, aka chocolate, candy..) and junk food (chips... etc) was something I knew would challenge me. And it did. And I grew closer in the word of God during this time.

What a phenomenal experience. I'm so grateful for the accountability I had too. Even from people who weren't on the fast with me. They knew and we're accepting and supportive.

Onto the health side of this, I felt so much better! I'm not saying I'll be giving up cake altogether.. I couldn't do that to the cakes. But I will be subsiding with my intake. I still plan to limit myself.

My next challenge begins Feb 1st. And I'm taking people with me on this one.  It'll be the entire month of February!
Why yes... I did pick the shortest month. 28 days.
The catch? Minus 5.

You get 5 cheats. -"why 5, Misty? You should only get 4 because that's one cheat a week... 4 weeks in the month". 
Well, I'm glad you asked... because I know that the hallmark holiday, aka Valentine's day, aka the chocolate holiday is in Feb. And why set us up for failure?

That's where you get number 5. You can pick which days you get a cheat. No problem. But you get 5.

I have a facebook page for support and live videos, along with meal prep, products and recipes.

Click here to join- read the pinned post.
Be respectful, if you decide not to participate, please remove yourself from the group.


You must eat.
You must measure.
You must smile!

I meal prep on Sunday evenings, most weeks. I'll share photos and go live from time to time.
Be willing to share recipes.
Ask questions and post positive thoughts.
Discouraged? Share that too. Someone else might be in that same boat.

Share your cheat meals. I love cake too!

::You do not have to be on AdvoCare products, but note that some of my posts will contain the products I take. This group isn't to sell you anything, but I will share what I take, and you are welcome to ask questions and take what I use::

Most important rule is, there is no right way. Be you. Be strong. Stay consistent. And take note of how amazing you feel with each day that passes.


Remember, 28 days is going to go by whether you join us or not... why not try to make it amazing?


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