Why am I not skinny yet?

We are 11 days into 2017.
11 days.
That's 2 weeks... yes, 2 weeks.
I've been sugar free for 9 of those 11 days (got a late start)
I've been eating so well for 9 1/2 of those days.
I worked out for the first time in 4 1/2 months.

Why am I not skinny yet??

Isn't this what we all struggle with? All of those who are in the "New year, new me" bit that is.
And maybe that's not your motto... maybe your motto is, "be better 17'" I don't know what it is. But somewhere along those lines, you completely understand where I'm coming from. And we both know, it's totally not realistic.

You didn't gain the weight over night. You didn't just wake up with cellulite. (no, you didn't.) you also didn't wake up with the goblet. (the extra skin, under your chin)

I wish wisdom was for the younger, because it's taken me 33 years to get this down.
And the older I get, the harder it's becoming.
I let myself 'go'. So to speak. I'm a little heavier than I want to be. Can I be completely transparent with you? This is a no judgment zone.
I'm 20 pounds heavier than I was 1.5 years ago.

I'd love to give the entire excuse to my 3 herniated disks in my back. Or, when my foot is bothering me.. or when I'm so exhausted I just cannot get up early.
But we all know it's just laziness. Yes, you read it right. I'm talking to myself here, but I know there are many who will read this that are in agreement with me, for themselves.

So what's the secret?


Yea, that's all I got. I'm so sorry if you started to read this in hopes of some secret to shed the weight.
Because, what this blog is really about, is healthy. I'm not looking to lose weight. I'm not even looking to tone up, or shed inches. It'll be a byproduct of what my main goal is, Healthy. and weight loss, inches lost, is for sure a mini goal of mine.
But as I said above, with age, comes wisdom and I'm full on aware that healthy is the new skinny.
I want to take care of myself because that is what God says to do. It's biblical to take care of your temple. To not fill it with garbage.
Now don't read me wrong as to, not enjoying birthday cake, or wedding cake, or baby shower cake (I love cake.) please, by all means, have some. I'm your advocate. But I'm NOT the advocate for over indulging. I have done this in the last year and half. I have taken care of myself, then slacked off. I have great intentions, but not enough self motivation to keep going.
So, I just have to pick back up, consistently take my products, eat right and continue to follow fitness motivators on my social media accounts, and continue to surround myself with people who help me become better.

I'll get off my soap box.

Your goal? KEEP GOING!
Here's a taste of what I've been enjoying lately.

Also, I found these gems at Sam's, and I'm pretty impressed, thus far. And, there is only this one kind, at this time. But it's pretty good.

Here's a simple reminder for you...

KEEP GOING. (I am telling myself this, every day!)



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