I bought, an Alarm Clock.

I'm done with the consumption of my life with such minimal 'things'.

I love my phone. 
I love food.
I love chocolate.
I love all sweets.
I love looking at my friends snap chat stories. 
I love reading facebook posts.
I love seeing my friends and people who inspire me, instagram photos.
I love reading updates on Twitter.
I love Television.
I love movies.
I love food. Oh... wait.

Seriously. I could be like Bart Simpson and write these over and over again, in hopes that I would purge myself from loving these things, too much. Which is where I believe I am.

I also love exercise, and reading and I love spending time with my boys- all of them.

But the things I listed above consume me. Too much.

I don't really make resolutions. I don't wait for a 'New year, new me'. I wake up every day knowing it's a brand new day, and the fact that my eyes opened, I'm breathing and can see, means God has blessed me with another day. I don't take that for granted. 
I thought by posting this however, that maybe I'd reach that one. The one who does love resolutions and really wants to follow through this year.
Maybe someone who does see the new year, as the only chance to change.
I thought I might grab someones attention, and might remind them there is someone out there who's just like them. 

So today began my fast with other leaders in my church.
But I didn't begin today, because it's the first of the year, because actually it's the 3rd day, already.
I finished a fast in the fall, which wasn't too long ago... I just don't share it with the world.
A fast is so I can remind myself what's most important. And when I found myself getting too caught up in a couple of girls who were being mean to me, I thought I need to pull back, and get back to the word and remember who's I am. Because those girls treatment to me, isn't as important as my loving them because regardless, they are my sisters in Christ.

I share this fast with you now though, because it's a new year, and if you are one for making changes, now is a great time. Do it. I could use the accountability, just as can you.
Will you be my partner? Just like having a work out partner, it's important to have a partner in your choice to cut back.

I'd love to hear what your resolutions are! 

Here is what I'm cutting back, and fasting for, to begin this season.

No Sugar for 21 days. (*Gasp*) I know. This will be so hard. But, every time I want chocolate, or candy anything like that, I will go to prayer. I know what fasting does, and it's powerful!
Jan 3rd-23rd, NO SUGAR.

I bought an alarm clock. Why? Because my phone is too close to me.
I will be charging it in another room, from here on out. On nights my sons are working, I will leave the volume turned up, in case I'm in bed, and something of an emergency comes up, I will be able to get it. (Kinda like the home phone era...) 
I will not be a slave to my phone first thing in the morning, or allow it to be the last thing before bed.
I give more time to my phone than I do my husband, and that is just unacceptable. 
So, I bought a real alarm clock to wake me up in the mornings. So there is no 'I need my phone because it's my alarm clock'.

Those are only two things. But those two are going to be so difficult.
One is a fast, and one is something I want to be obedient about this season of my life. 

I don't want people upset that I didn't reply right back to them. I want them to say 'Oh, that's okay, Misty will get back to me later, I forgot she doesn't keep her phone right next to her.' 

I will be dedicating this year to my word Obedient.
If there is anything I'm ever consistent about, it's being inconsistent.
I want to be obedient. I want to be more disciplined. Eating right, exercising regularly. And being present when I'm supposed to be present.

I want my yes, to be the best yes. And if that means missing something, then that's what has to happen. Because we're here for a blimp of a second.. and then we're not. 

Happy New Year!

xo, Misty


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