8 excuses

A year ago I weighed less.
A year ago I was training for my first half marathon.
A year ago I was eating well, and strict with my nutrition.

A year ago, I put on muscle. And the number on the scale wasn't as low as the year prior, but it didn't reflect in my jean size.

A year ago, was a year ago. And a lot changes in a year.

Several injections later. Several doctor visits. A couple trips to the ER. Burning nerves off in 2 sections. Back injury/pain/whatever you want to call what happened, it was a tough season.
But it was just that, a season.
It's over, but it's not. Because the stretching I do every day before proceeding through my day. The stretching I do before a walk at the gym. The stretching I do before bed every night. It's a routine now.

This is week 2 that just began back in the gym. I'm so grateful. I'm grateful for the ability to walk. To stretch, to move my joints. I take for granted so much of the time, all the blessings that are within my every day I open my eyes, and have sight to see.

So today, as I literally had 8 excuses to not walk into the gym...
1. My back was kinda bothering me.
2. I really needed to get my shot.
3. I was too tired
4. I needed to start dinner.
5. I don't want to.
6. I don't want to.
7. I don't want to.
8. I just don't want to.
But I reminded myself of the season I just came out of. What has surpassed and the fact of how flippin' blessed I am. And I walked into the gym, I stretched for 10 minutes before starting my 1 mile walk, and my minimal exercises I'm starting out with.

It might not ever be the same for me. I might not lift heavy like I was a year ago. But that's okay. I'm going to learn what I can do, and what works. And that will be my story.
Health and Wellness is part of who I am, and it's part of where my ministry is.
Starting from within.

Here's to a new season.



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