
Everyone has a political agenda.
Yes, everyone.

We all believe in something. Whether it's the 'right' to kneel. Whether it's the right to vote. Or the right to live where we want to live.
It's all the same thing, what we believe.

What a misconception of the real belief at hand though.

You have freedom. Seriously, freedom. You made the choice to create a new stance 'kneeling' on the football field. And in other countries, you don't have that choice. But here, you have the freedom to vote, to live where you want to live.. you have freedom to drive down the street without wondering if it's safe.

Do you know why you have freedom? Do you know why you have the ability to have beliefs that can be televised? The men and women who fought for this soil!
The very thing you kneel for, someone STOOD for.

I never write about politics. And I may learn my lesson this first time. But it's so aggravating to see my absolute favorite sport, and watch those athletes kneel. No, I don't care their reason. Because truth be written, they have that freedom to do so. The freedom to disrespect our flag, the men, the women who sacrificed time with their families, to give you that freedom.

We live in America. Where people come to live, because they want these freedoms. We live in America where you can get an education, for free, and have assistance for further education. We live in America where you can live in a beautiful home, own a dog and binge watch Netflix all day. We live in AMERICA!

**These views are the views of Misty Scott, and Misty Scott alone. There is no political agenda.**

Thank you,


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