
Every year as it comes to a close I sit and reflect on the previous 365 days. No, not to stew on what was... but to recap what has happened, things that were amazing, things that were average, things that could have been better, things that were just total crap and things that I can learn from. 

In 2015 I began my year with a word that would carry us into the new year. It's holds me to a higher standard as I go throughout my year. It carries me through my walk with Christ. It carries me through my leadership with others. 

2015 .... Hope
2016 .... Trust
2017 .... Obedience

2018 .....

I'm nervous, and excited where this will take me. Because I know I haven't picked up my kindle near as much as I should have in 2017. To continue to develop as a leader. But I'm sure that isn't all that is in store for that word. Because in the past years, those words, were never just those words. So as I lean in, I cannot wait to grow, and see where He takes me as 2018 makes it's way in.

As I look into the highlights on 2017 and the year that is still continuing, the ultimate has been;
Boys started their senior year, and first year of junior high.
I started a new job.
I watched my son play football (even with an 0-10 season). 
My step son swore into the Marine core. 
My best friend had a baby.
My youngest son is learning and becoming amazing at the trumpet. 
The end of my medical back procedures.
Baptized 4 of my youth girls.
I began the fall semester in Switch at church, as a coach in junior high.  

I'm ready to close 2017, and begin the new year. Not that it's 'New year, new me'. I don't really do resolutions. I do have somethings I want to be better at. 
Do more things that make me happy. I love laughter, smiling and all things happiness. More things in that nature because life is extremely short. 

Lean in friends, 2018 is here.
Two of my boys are graduating high school. One will leave in July for boot camp. So many things will be different this summer in our house. I'll embrace it when it comes... but for now, I'm living moment for moment and enjoying every memory we make.

Happy New Year Friends!




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