
I was young-er, once. I was thinner, once. I weighed less, once. I was easier going, once.
Now I'm older. I'm a little heavier. And I'm a little... okay, a bit- I refuse to say a lot, high maintenance.
I'm humble, even though I'm confident. I have trouble being myself sometimes. I have trouble letting go of control. I like to be in charge, and the sooner you realize that, and 'go with my flow' the better friends we can be. I mean, I'd like to tell you I'm kidding, but I'm pretty sure that's the way it is. I'm getting better at delegating and realizing other people can do what I do. However, I like to feel important.

I'm a child of God, first and foremost. With that, comes extensive growth and discipline, daily. So with the statements above, I am a work in progress, everyday. I will never apologize for that.
I am a wife, second. My spouse comes after God. Never forget who comes first. Your eternity depends on it.
I am a mom, third. My children are my absolute everything. But if my spouse doesn't come before them, we can't raise our children the way they should be raised. And if God doesn't come first, the other two don't hold a candle of even half way getting it right. Never forget where your order stands. It took me 28 years to get it right.

I'm an introvert.
True. Story. Bro.
I love people. I love going out and having a good time too. Really. But I'm shy. Shocking, maybe.
I'm good around people I know, and I'm great in a small setting. But get me around a crowd, I will then find the dog, or whatever other animal I can occupy myself with. Except cats... I'd rather awkwardly drink someones expensive wine not realizing it was for the toast at the end than pet a cat.

I love photos. Just look at my phone. I should unload all of them... really. But from time to time I actually go back through my photos and just stare are them. I love photos.

My sons. Oh my sons. Let me get through this paragraph without tears.
About 3 years ago I might not have written that. They did the typical teenage stuff. Where it was like I was trying to nail jello to a wall.
But that is just part of it. Because one day, they grow up. They move out. And they become mini adults who in turn will come out to be amazing grown ups. They are a result of us, and what we did. And we should be proud of that. At least, I hope you can be proud of that.

I haven't written in so long. I've been writing letters the old fashion way to the oldest son who just became a marine. And the middle son who's soon to become a sailor. The level of proud we are, isn't even describable. There were for sure some years we thought we were screwing them up. But here we are and they are starting their lives. The youngest, he's doing good too. I keep reminding myself to enjoy him even at this age, because I know all to well how fast it flies.


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