
Do you ever just sit there and embrace all God has given you?

We ask for 'one more day' on Sunday's.
We ask for 'more time with our kids'
We say 'if I had more time, we'd go fishing'
We say 'I'll paint that room when I get some free time'
We say 'we eat in front of the TV' because we want to watch that program while we eat, double bonus.
We say 'we'll go camping on a 3 day weekend'
'we'll do this or that when we have a free minute'.

Bam- COVID-19. You have nothing but time.
(considering you are not essential personal and at work. And in that case, please don't read this wrong. I am VERY grateful for our health care workers, our law enforcement, our postal service etc...)

Anyone ever think this is all an opportunity? An opportunity to slow down? To love those we love a little better? How about the chance to sit at the kitchen table and play checkers? How about the chance to watch the rain while listening to your favorite country music station while drinking a glass of wine? I know I've heard myself say, "I love the rain, I wish I could be snuggled up on my couch in sweat pants, with a glass of my favorite wine while watching it rain". Um, hello? I'm only missing the sweat pants.

Is the unknown scary? Um, yes. Is there global a pandemic going on? Um, yes.
Do not let fear of the unknown scare you away. You are the same Christian that posts on social media 'Fear not'!

God has given us THIS day. He hasn't given us tomorrow. He's given us TODAY.
So today I choose to watch the beautiful rainfall on my fresh cut and sprayed grass. I choose to be thankful for my healthy family. I choose to be happy in midst of it all. We have an income to pay our bills, today. To keep the lights on, today. To have food in my refrigerator., today.
Today, I am blessed. Isn't that enough? We have today. Tomorrow is still His.



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