Live. Life. On. Purpose.

Today has been a really great day. And nothing really 'extrodinary' has happened. I woke up, thanked God, spent time with Jesus, my husband left for work, my son left for school... I ate oatmeal for breakfast. I gave Max a bath, did the dishes from last nights dinner I made. My hair appt was at noon. I got home a little after 3pm from that- of course that always makes me feel like a new person. Kaylee Mosley is amazing, go see her! So as I sit here and called a couple people I have on 24 day challenges, and made my list for tomorrow, I figured out why it's been a really great day- aside from my hair being fresh and fall-ish colored.. I am BLESSED. I am alive. I am HEALTHY. I am in pretty good shape. I'm apart of the BEST company around the world- more than just vitamins y'all.... My kids are healthy, happy and LOVED. I have a fabulous husband who loves me more than life itself. I have amazing friends that truly care about me. Then, as I t...