Technology at it's Finest, 13 years in the making..

It's astonishing to me as to how much technology advances daily.

Do you realize that the Ipod was released only in 2001? 13 years ago YESTERDAY to be exact.
Yes, October 23rd 2001. That's the original bulky Ipod y'all... Looks like this
Raise your hand if you had one??

I didn't. Matter fact, it was 2001 when I had my first cell phone, and I shared it with my then husband. It looks like this...
True story.

My how we've advanced.
This photo below, displays life BEFORE an Ipod, BEFORE CD's were big... BEFORE a cell phone was anywhere near affordable for your everyday person.. Matter fact, check out the antenna.
Circa 1998 here folks... my 15 year old self.

So the point I'm going for here, is we're so advanced, we can't even leave the house without the latest and greatest cellar device... I myself own the latest released Samsung Galaxy S5. And it's amazing...

And that's not even apple. The late Steve Jobs did an awesome job of creating Apple Inc. Seriously... I am not the biggest fan of owning his items, but he created the gateway for all technology in my opinion...
Choices... that and color is about the hardest choice these days.

So all this to say, I'm writing a blog about advancing technology. And the hard cold truth of the FACT that we cannot live with out them now. And some of that makes me sad. Computers have progressed, I won't even get into detail on PC's. But lately, it's the mobile device, we cannot leave without. No... I'm not suggesting we make a 'No Cell phone Friday' I myself can't go with out my phone either folks... it's also my business, my MOBILE Business. Seriously. I take it everywhere, my business goes everywhere.
I could literally go on and on about this topic. I'm still stuck on 'No Facebook Wednesday'. That is all about Social Media tho... see the blog on 'Social Media'.
I just want my kids to know what life was like when we played outside, and didn't 'talk' to our TV because it's a 'smart TV' Or googling the address we need to be at later... I'm not sure anyone knows how to read this-
This is a Road Atlas ... Shocker right? Yes, still in print today. 

My kids, don't know how to read one.
Technology is amazing don't get me wrong. But maybe set the phones down every so often huh? Maybe even in class... because now they can have them out, because they got tired of getting in trouble by parents when the teachers took them away. And yet we wonder why there aren't as many honor roll students......

Remember to------
It's all I'm saying...

--The ramblings of Misty Rayne, my personal views, and opinions.

Have a great Friday!

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