Live. Life. On. Purpose.

Today has been a really great day.

And nothing really 'extrodinary' has happened.
I woke up, thanked God, spent time with Jesus, my husband left for work, my son left for school...
I ate oatmeal for breakfast. I gave Max a bath, did the dishes from last nights dinner I made.

My hair appt was at noon. I got home a little after 3pm from that- of course that always makes me feel like a new person. Kaylee Mosley is amazing, go see her!

So as I sit here and called a couple people I have on 24 day challenges, and made my list for tomorrow, I figured out why it's been a really great day- aside from my hair being fresh and fall-ish colored..

I am BLESSED. I am alive. I am HEALTHY. I am in pretty good shape.
I'm apart of the BEST company around the world- more than just vitamins y'all....
My kids are healthy, happy and LOVED.
I have a fabulous husband who loves me more than life itself.
I have amazing friends that truly care about me.

Then, as I texted with a friend of mine, who went to court with a friend of hers... and it didn't go her way, I realized, I've been there- and it's behind us now.
I remember it way too well, the smell of the court house, the nerves in my belly, and the fact that I had to use the restroom every time we arrived to the 3rd floor.

As I gave her my advise, I was not only so thankful for the experience, but able to hand out my advise because I DID know.
I told her two songs- literally Daniel and I had one a piece... He was able to forgive those putting us through what they were AT the time they were putting us through it. That would be Matthew West

"Show me how to love the unlovable... show me how to reach the unreachable... help me now to do the impossible."
It was so fitting.
Mine was ironic enough Matthew West as well,

"You must think I'm strong to give me what I'm going through.... I know I'm not strong enough to be everything that I'm supposed to be... hands of mercy won't you cover me"

Take a listen for yourself.
I don't know what trial you are facing, what battle is ahead. But God does.
And it's by design. It's easy for me to say not to stress, because you still will. But I promise, looking back- all design. Don't ever EVER doubt what God is doing in your life.

Live. Life. On. Purpose.

Never waste a single minute---have great days EVERY day.

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