Social Media

I wrote in my journal all weekend while in Tyler, Texas. My husband's stompin' grounds from birth until 20 somethings. I was pretty proud of myself. I even picked up the Jon Acuff book I have been dying to read. 
Then as I wrote, and as I tried to read, and talk to the nurses about what I do for a living... my phone would stare at me in the face, as it's doing at this very moment.
You see I had something awesome to write about, or at least I thought so..

But then that little smart phone device would call my name and the F on the home screen that stands for 'FACEBOOK' or as I like to call it 'FRANKLY I will suck all your time away from you' app.

How do we discharge ourselves from social media? Where is the break? I don't know why I feel the need to check it when I see even '1' notification on it. 

Now back it up real quick, I'm not dissing on Facebook, or social media at all. It's been a really great marketing tool for us and our growing Advocare business, and for that I'm very blessed. 

And I love getting to watch my friends kiddo's grow up! Friends I've re-connected with from way back in my California upbringing. It's great!

But reality is here y'all. We have to try to steer from it. We HAVE to. 

I was making this point with some friends of mine, at how fearful I am for my children's generation to raise their own children. Will they even know how? I mean, right now I'm not even certain how they walk and see where they are going with always staring at their screens of their cellar device.

It's really quite ridiculous. I mean, if they aren't paying attention to LIFE happening because the phone has 'life' on it, how will they function in the reality of real life?

Puzzled? me too.
Sad? me too.
Worried? Defiantly. 

So let's fast.

Let's start with a small goal. A whole DAY without facebook.
If you are like me, that small goal will be hard enough. I'm not saying to eventually give up facebook. I'm saying to cut back. remember the BEAUTIFUL world that God has put us on, See it in the raw form instead of through pictures. 
For one day to begin with.
I'll check back Thursday as today has already proceeded and I would have already failed. We are calling this AVOID FACEBOOK WEDNESDAY goal. That's right folks... that means no 'WCW' for this one week...
                                                                                                       I know right?

We can do this. Let's take back our lives, and LIVE like we're called to do. See how much you can get done.

Anything like me? Remove the app from your home screen, that'll make it more feasible and less likely to even click it by accident.

It'll look like this....
Who's with me?

Have a blessed Tuesday, and tomorrow on Wednesday, may the force be with you!

Misty Rayne

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