Take 2.......Social Media

The day of 'No Facebook Wednesday' or as I'm saying it (it'll probably catch on quick... NFBW) Use it, it's free---- You're welcome  has officially passed.

I survived. Did you?
Screen shot of this morning- still no facebook app on my home screen.
I must say, I got SO much done yesterday. Maybe to take my mind off the fact that my addiction was put in the back pocket. It was defiantly will power. I talked to my friends who joined me, and encouraged them to keep pushing!
I found that the hardest part of my day was (laugh.. go ahead) the bathroom, and at red lights. True story. It for sure made it easier that I wasn't seeing the big F every time I swpyed to look at at my phone... Other wise I'd see this count go up-
this is as of this morning. It's almost 9 and I've still gone without.

As I said, a very productive day. I believe I will do this again, and hopefully get to where I don't have to feel the need to go on facebook all day long every single day. My pantry is clean, my dusting is finished, as is my laundry. I had a longer time with God, and every time I wanted to look at Facebook, I prayed instead. Also, my son's hat for his costume is just about done. My husband had his wife's full attention all evening. It was great!!

                 This morning beginning the <Take 2> of Social Media.

I'll keep this short, so lastly.... 

Today is my handsome husband's 42nd Birthday.
I got up this morning, made him breakfast, and now posting this blog. I'm excited of this small accomplishment!
Enjoy your Thursday, and Throw back those photos, because today, I'll see them! =)
Our first fall together- at Frontier City. Here's my 'TBT' for the Birthday boy!

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