My book

My book is finished!! My book is FINISHED. Whoa. What? For real? YES!

Next part is typing everything I've written.

Sounds like a true struggle. Yes, I'm glad you think so too. Ha.

I write, like hand write. Because I carry a notebook, everywhere. 
I have to have something to write on because I never know where I'll think of something. Someone could say something that strikes up my passion. I can hear a song and think, oh my goodness, that reminds of...
Therefore, I stick to old school and hand write. It's really a lost art. That is until I remember it all still has to be typed.
My husband did inform me there is a program I can get that will literally type it as fast as you can read it to the software itself. It might be worth the investment as I have 6 notebooks to plug into Word.

But it will be complete, and I'm so excited to get it into the hands of someone who will change their life because of it. 
Writing it has been from my heart, from my spirit and I learned so much more about myself in every aspect of life while the process went on. 
I frustrated myself, and found times where I had nothing to 'say'. As it turns out that's where God had me grow. And the next lines I wrote would be exceptional, and I never knew I could pour so much of my heart, that way.

I pray it'll bless you as it blessed me, to write it.

As always, thank you. 
Misty Rayne

A song that's my favorite these days. I listened to it on repeat many times while writing.
Down to the river- never the same.


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