
Has your faith ever looked like this?
A total hot mess that didn't look like it would ever be wearable again?

Sometimes we have to look at our faith just like our lives. Messy. 

I was untangling one of my favorite necklaces this morning and this illustration came to mind, while I was frustrating myself with the fact that I let it get so tangled to begin with.

Our lives- our Faith can be the same way!
You leave it sitting too long, you might pick it up and move it from time to time and then- when you want to pick it back up again, you have to sit down and untangle it.

Now, this necklace took me 30 minutes. But our lives, our faith... 30 minutes is a great start. 

Some times we can work and work and even challenge ourselves. Yet we can still have knots in the chain, we still have knots in our faith, in our lives. 
But, that's okay. Because you picked it up.
 It can't stop you from wearing it, just like it can't stop you from growing.

Have Faith.
We all go through seasons, and we all need to grow. Make the choice to do just that. Untangle the knots, wear it even if there are still small ones that need to be worked out, and Smile through. Because even Peter walked on water when his gaze was on pure focus of Jesus.

Don't lose focus.

Misty Rayne 


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